Resolute Public API Reference Guide


This reference guide is intended for customers and authorized partners interested in programmatically connecting to Resolute software applications and retrieving relevant data for use in complimentary software applications. This guide addresses security and authentication matters associated with the successful access and use of the Resolute Public API library and provides a list of currently available Resolute APIs.

Security and Authentication

Client Credentials

Upon request, Resolute will provide you with a set of client credentials that consist of a client id and a client secret. It is important that you securely store your credentials immediately upon receipt, as there is no way to recover these values. If your credentials are compromised, a new set of credentials will need to be provided.

Security Assumptions

The current implementation of the Resolute public APIs is based on the following assumptions:

  • Clients (i.e., customers and partners) will keep their credentials secret.
  • Clients will never invoke the Resolute APIs from a browser or mobile device, since doing so would compromise the client id and client secret. Only server-to-server invocations are supported.
  • All communications with the REST server must be conducted over HTTPS. Any API invocations conducted over an insecure channel will be redirected to HTTPS.


Before invoking public APIs exposed by Resolute, you must authenticate using your client credentials by issuing a GET request using Basic Auth to the /authorize endpoint. Once completed, you will receive a valid JWT bearer token. This bearer token must be included with calls to all other API endpoints. Failure to do so will result in a 401 Unauthorized response. Bearer tokens expire after a certain amount of time and are no longer considered valid. When this occurs, you must re-authenticate to the /authorize endpoint to receive a new bearer token.

/authorize endpoint

To authenticate with the /authorize  endpoint, make sure to issue a GET request over HTTPS that includes the following HTTP request header for Basic Authentication:

Authorization: Basic Base64(client_id + ':' + client_secret)

Example: Suppose that you were issued the following client credentials:

Client Id: 46d2431b-519a-44f1-9c24-0f32b6e89e7bClient Secret: e3d39585-8855-4cf8-a778-0a74c5229f44

You would first concatenate these credentials, separated by a colon, to produce the following string:


You would then apply the Base64 encoding algorithm to this string to generate the following value:


Finally, you would invoke the /authorize  endpoint by issuing a GET request that includes the following HTTP request header:


If the credentials correspond to a valid client, the /authorize  endpoint will return a response that looks like the following:


"access_token" : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c", "token_type" : "bearer",

"expires_in" : 21600


After invoking the /authorize endpoint, store the value of the access_token  in memory, since you will need to include it in subsequent calls to all other API endpoints.

The value of the expires_in attribute represents the number of seconds before the access token will expire. When the access token expires, the client will need to repeat their invocation of the /authorize endpoint to obtain a new access token.

Other endpoints

For all other endpoints, you must issue a request that includes the following HTTP request header:

Authorization: Bearer access_token

For instance, using the previous example in which the /authorize  endpoint returned an access token starting with the letters eyJhbGc , your HTTP request header would look as follows:

Authorization: Bearer


If you fail to include a valid access token with each request, a 401 Unauthorized error will be returned. Note that the access tokens are digitally signed by Resolute and adhere to the JSON Web Tokens (JWT) standard (see for more information). Expired tokens and tokens that cannot be validated based on their signature will be rejected by Resolute, resulting in a 401 Unauthorized error.

Currently Available Resolute Public APIs

All of the public API endpoints, including the /authorize  endpoint, are accessible by appending the specified endpoint path to the following base URL:

Retrieve Customers

Retrieve a list of all customers that the current client has access to.


GET /customers

Sample Output

1 [ 2 { 3 "id": "3526416c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe", 4 "name": "Customer Name" 5 }, 6 { 7 "id": "6fc0f74e-684f-4b33-9962-2adbc767dbd0", 8 "name"": "Customer Name" 9 } 10]

Retrieve Buildings for a Given Customer

Retrieve a list of all buildings associated with the specified customer.


GET /customers/{customerId}/buildings

Sample Output


2 {

3 "id": "35264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe",

4 "name": "Customer ID"

5 },

6 {

7 "id": "6fc0f74e-684f-4b33-9962-2adbc767dbd0",

8 "name": "Customer ID"

9 }


Retrieve Report Definitions

Retrieve a list of all reports currently defined within the Resolute product.


GET /reports

Sample Output


2 {

3 "id": "35264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe",

4 "name": "VAV Scorecard"

5 },

6 {

7 "id": "6fc0f74e-684f-4b33-9962-2adbc767dbd0",

8 "name": "AHU Operations"

9 }


Retrieve Enabled Reports for a Given Building


GET /buildings/{buildingId}/reports

Sample Output


2 {

3 "id": "35264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe",

4 "name": "VAV Scorecard"

5 },


7"id": "6fc0f74e-684f-4b33-9962-2adbc767dbd0",

8 "name": "AHU Operations"

9 },


Retrieve Equipment for a Given Building


GET /buildings/{buildingId}/equipment

Sample Output


2 {

3“id”: “35264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe”,

4 “name”: “Building Name/subbuilding/floor/sc_VAV_51”,

5 “type”: “vav”

6 },

7 {

8 “id”: “48264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe”,

9 “name”: “Building Name/subbuilding/floor/sc_VAV_54”,

10 “type”: “vav”

11 }


Note: The "type" attribute for a given piece of equipment will be absent if the piece of equipment in question has not yet been assigned to a type.

Retrieve all Generated Instances of a Given Report for a Given Building


GET /buildings/{buildingId}/reports/{reportId}/generatedReports

Sample Output


2 {

3 "id": "35264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe",

4 "startDate": "2021-06-07",

5 "interval": "WEEKLY"

6 },

7 {

8 "id": "6fc0f74e-684f-4b33-9962-2adbc767dbd0",

9 "startDate": "2021-06-01",

10 "interval": "MONTHLY"

11 "url": ""

12 }


Retrieve the Details for a Given Generated Report


GET /generatedReports/{generatedReportId}

Sample Output

If the Report definition supports the concept of a root cause, then each element in the "equipment" array will include a rootCause attribute. If the report definition does not support the concept of a root cause, then the rootCause attribute will be missing. In cases where the rootCause element is present, it will be set to an empty string if the equipment score falls into the “good” category.

1{ 2 "equipment": [ 3 { 4 "id": "35264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe", 5 "name": "Sample Name", 6 "score": 78 7 "rootCause": " 8 }, 9 { 10 "id": "48264a6c-22d0-4302-b733-aa782853dcbe", 11 "name": "Sample Name", 12 "score": 52 13 "rootCause": "Cooling valve is overridden or poor cooling control” 14 }, 15 ... 16 ] 17}

Retrieve list of Action Center Tasks

Returns all tasks for a specific customer, or all tasks for a specific building, or a specific task.


POST /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/tasks

Sample Input

Note: All request properties are optional, if a property is not specified, ALL is the default.


2 "nodeId": 1,

3 "taskId": 1,

4 "viewType": "Public Actions", // ['Synergy Integrator Actions', 'Public Actions']

5 "sectionType": "Work Log", // ('Work Log' (Default), 'Blocked', 'Closed')

6 "typeIds": [1, 3, 5], // list of type ids [1=BAS, 2=Mechanical, 3=Capital, 4=ECM, 5=Maintenance, 6=Operational, 7=Observations, 8=Memo]

7 "customerTaskId": 1, // customerTaskId (a.k.a. taskId without "RES-" prefix)

8 "priorities": ["High"], // list of priorities ['Low', 'Medium', 'High']

9 "title": "te*", // wildcard-able string

10 "assignees": [328], // list of assignee ids --- use -1 for unassigned tasks

11 "statuses": ["Open Actions", "New Actions"], // list of statuses ['Open Actions', 'In Progress', 'New Actions', 'Old Actions', 'All Closed Actions', 'Closed Recently']. if sectionType = 'Closed' then Default = 'All Closed Actions'

12 "tags": [1, 4, 5], // list of tag ids


Sample Output

List of Action Center Task JSON objects


2 {

3 "id": 1,

4 "customerId": 4,

5 "customerTaskId": 1,

6 "taskId": "RES-1",

7 "nodeId": 41,

8 "typeId": 1,

9 "typeName": "BAS",

10 "typeColor": "#FBAA18",

11 "title": "test",

12 "description": "task id 1 customer 4",

13 "assigneeId": 328,

14 "assignedTo": "Assignee Name",

15 "creatorId": 328,

16 "createdBy": "Creator name",

17 "updatedAt": 1585022400000,

18 "createdAt": 1585022400000,

19 "effort": "Low",

20 "status": "Open",

21 "priority": "High",

22 "visibility": "Public",

23 "potentialSavingsLow": 1000,

24 "potentialSavingHigh": 3000,

25 "suggestedAction": "suggestion",

26 "tagsAsString": "C1, G1",

27 "statusUpdatedAt": "Open - 03/24/2021",

28 "tags": [],

29 "links": [],

30 "watchers": [

31 {

32 "userId": 307

33 }

34 ],

35 "comments": [

36 {

37 "userName": "John Smith",

38 "body": "Single zone unit operating as expected. Possibly import additional points to gain insight into entire unit operations, but this issue is closed."

39 }

40 ]

41 }


AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to any customers.

Client does not have access to the customer.

Client does not have access to the building.

Client does not have access to the task.

Invalid view type.

RequestValidation Output:

Invalid section type.

Invalid status(es) for section type of Work Log.

Invalid status(es) for section type of Closed.

Invalid status(es) for section type of Blocked.

Invalid effort(s).

Invalid priority(ies).

Invalid visibility(ies).

Add an Action Center Task


PUT /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/task

Sample Input


2 "nodeId": 41, \\required

3 "typeId": 1, \\required (1=BAS, 2=Mechanical, 3=Capital, 4=ECM, 5=Maintenance, 6=Operational, 7=Observations, 8=Memo)

4 "title": "new title", \\required

5 "status": "Open", \\required ('Open', 'In Progress', 'Blocked', 'Closed')

6 "priority": "High", \\required ('Low', 'Medium', 'High')

7 "effort": "Low", \\required ('Very Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High')

8 "visibility": "Public", \\required ('Public', 'Integrators')

9 "assigneeId": 396,

10 "description": "desc",

11 "blockedReason": "reason",

12 "blockedUntil": 1639307110000,

13 "potentialSavingsLow": 10,

14 "potentialSavingsHigh": 999,

15 "suggestedAction": "sug",

16 "implementationCost": "eye",

17 "roi": "nada",

18 "tags": [

19 {

20 "name": "G2" \\required

21 }

22 ],

23 "links": [

24 {

25 "name": "link 1",

26 "url": "url 1" \\required

27 }

28 ],

29 "watchers": [

30 {

31 "userId": 328 \\required

32 }

33 ]


Sample Output


2 "id": 13,

3 "customerId": 4,

4 "customerTaskId": 11,

5 "taskId": "RES-11",

6 "nodeId": 41,

7 "typeId": 1,

8 "typeName": "BAS",

9 "typeColor": "#FBAA18",

10 "title": "new title",

11 "description": "desc",

12 "assigneeId": 396,

13 "assignedTo": "John Smith",

14 "creatorId": 328,

15 "createdBy": "John Smith",

16 "updatedAt": 1613041913497,

17 "createdAt": 1613041913497,

18 "effort": "Low",

19 "status": "Open",

20 "priority": "High",

21 "visibility": "Public",

22 "blockedReason": "reason",

23 "blockedUntil": 1639307110000,

24 "potentialSavingsLow": 10,

25 "potentialSavingsHigh": 999,

26 "suggestedAction": "sug",

27 "implementationCost": "eye",

28 "roi": "nada",

29 "tags": [

30 {

31 "id": 21,

32 "taskId": 13,

33 "name": "C1"

34 }

35 ],

36 "links": [

37 {

38 "id": 13,

39 "taskId": 13,

40 "name": "link 1",

41 "url": "url 1"

42 }

43 ],

44 "watchers": [

45 {

46 "id": 13,

47 "taskId": 13,

48 "userId": 396,

49 "userName": "John Smith"

50 }

51 ],

52 "totalWatchers": 1


AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to the customer.

Client does not have access to the building.

Missing customer ID.

Assignee does not have access to the customer.

Assignee does not have access to the building.

Assignee does not have access to an Integrators Visibility task.

Watcher does not have access to an Integrators Visibility task.

RequestValidation Output:

Missing node ID.

Missing type ID.

Missing title.

Missing status.

Missing effort.

Missing priority.

Missing visibility.

Missing task tag name.

Missing task link url.

Missing task watcher user ID.

Invalid node ID.

Invalid type ID.

Invalid title.

Invalid status.

Invalid effort.

Invalid priority.

Invalid visibility.

Update an Action Center Task


PUT /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/task

Sample Input


2 "id": 13, \\required

3 "nodeId": 41, \\required

4 "typeId": 1, \\required (1=BAS, 2=Mechanical, 3=Capital, 4=ECM, 5=Maintenance, 6=Operational, 7=Observations, 8=Memo)

5 "title": "new title", \\required

6 "status": "Open", \\required ('Open', 'In Progress', 'Blocked', 'Closed')

7 "priority": "High", \\required ('Low', 'Medium', 'High')

8 "effort": "Low", \\required ('Very Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High')

9 "visibility": "Public", \\required ('Public', 'Integrators')

10 "assigneeId": 396,

11 "description": "desc",

12 "blockedReason": "reason",

13 "blockedUntil": 1639307110000,

14 "potentialSavingsLow": 10,

15 "potentialSavingsHigh": 999,

16 "suggestedAction": "sug",

17 "implementationCost": "eye",

18 "roi": "nada",

19 "tags": [

20 {

21 "name": "G2" \\required

22 }

23 ],

24 "links": [

25 {

26 "name": "link 1",

27 "url": "url 1" \\required

28 }

29 ],

30 "watchers": [

31 {

32 "userId": 328 \\required

33 }

34 ]


Sample Output

1{ 2 "id": 13, 3 "customerId": 4, 4 "customerTaskId": 11, 5 "taskId": "RES-11", 6 "nodeId": 41, 7 "typeId": 1, 8 "typeName": "BAS", 9 "typeColor": "#FBAA18", 10 "title": "new title", 11 "description": "desc", 12 "assigneeId": 396, 13 "assignedTo": "John Smith", 14 "creatorId": 328, 15 "createdBy": "John Smith", 16 "updatedAt": 1613041913497, 17 "createdAt": 1613041913497, 18 "effort": "Low", 19 "status": "Open", 20 "priority": "High", 21 "visibility": "Public", 22 "blockedReason": "reason", 23 "blockedUntil": 1639307110000, 24 "potentialSavingsLow": 10, 25 "potentialSavingsHigh": 999, 26 "suggestedAction": "sug", 27 "implementationCost": "eye", 28 "roi": "nada", 29 "tags": [ 30 { 31 "id": 21, 32 "taskId": 13, 33 "name": "C1" 34 } 35 ], 36 "links": [ 37 { 38 "id": 13, 39 "taskId": 13, 40 "name": "link 1", 41 "url": "url 1" 42 } 43 ], 44 "watchers": [ 45 { 46 "id": 13, 47 "taskId": 13, 48 "userId": 396, 49 "userName": "John Smith" 50 } 51 ], 52 "totalWatchers": 1 53}

AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to the customer.

Client does not have access to the building.

Missing customer ID.

Assignee does not have access to the customer.

Assignee does not have access to the building.

Assignee does not have access to an Integrators Visibility task.

Watcher does not have access to an Integrators Visibility task.

RequestValidation Output:

Missing node ID.

Missing type ID.

Missing title.

Missing status.

Missing effort.

Missing priority.

Missing visibility.

Missing task tag name.

Missing task link url.

Missing task watcher user ID.

Invalid nodeId.

Invalid typeId.

Invalid title.

Invalid status.

Invalid effort.

Invalid priority.

Invalid visibility.

Delete an Action Center Task


DELETE /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/task/{taskId}

AuthUserValidation Output:

Client does not have access to the task.

Retrieve Action Center Task Summary

Return the summary of all tasks for all customer buildings, or all tasks for a specific building.


POST /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/summary

Sample Input


2 "nodeId": 1 //Optional

3 "viewType": "My Actions", //Optional (Default=ALL) ('Synergy Integrator Actions', 'Public Actions')


Sample Output

1[ 2 { 3 "customerId": 4, 4 "nodeId": 41, 5 "buildingName": "Bay Region", 6 "totalNew": 5, 7 "open": 2, 8 "openPct": "40%", 9 "inProgress": 1, 10 "inProgressPct": "20%", 11 "closed": 1, 12 "closedPct": "20%", 13 "blocked": 1, 14 "blockedPct": "20%", 15 "totalWorklog": 4, 16 "worklogNew": 3, 17 "worklogOld": 1, 18 "worklogNewPct": "75%", 19 "worklogOldPct": "25%" 20 }, 21 { 22 "customerId": 4, 23 "nodeId": 48, 24 "buildingName": "Bay Special Care", 25 "total": 20, 26 "open": 20, 27 "openPct": "100%", 28 "inProgress": 0, 29 "inProgressPct": "0%", 30 "closed": 0, 31 "closedPct": "0%", 32 "blocked": 0, 33 "blockedPct": "0%", 34 "totalWorklog": 20, 35 "worklogNew": 10, 36 "worklogOld": 10, 37 "worklogNewPct": "50%", 38 "worklogOldPct": "50%" 39 } 40]

AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to any customers.

Client does not have access to the customer.

Client does not have access to the building.

Invalid view type.

Add an Action Center Task Comment


PUT /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/task/comment

Sample Input


2 "taskId": 1 //Required

3 "body": "Sample Text" //Required


Sample Output

List of Action Center Comments for task.


2 {

3 "id": 1,

4 "taskId": 1,

5 "userName": "User Name",

6 "body": "task id 1 customer 1 message 1",

7 "createdAt": 1612806202817,

8 "canModify": true

9 },

10 {


12 "id": 2,

13 "taskId": 1,

14 "userName": "User2 Name2",

15 "body": "Sample Text",

16 "createdAt": 1612806202817,

17 "canModify": false

18 }


AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to the task.

Missing task Id.

Task does not exist.

Missing task comment body.

Modify an Action Center Task Comment


PUT /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/task/comment

Sample Input

1{ 2 "id": 2 //Required id of the comment 3 "taskId": 1 //Required 4 "body": "I'm modified" //Required 5}

Sample Output


2 {


4 "id": 1,


6 "taskId": 1,

7 "userName": "User Name",

8 "body": "task id 1 customer 1 message 1",

9 "createdAt": 1612806202817,

10 "canModify": true

11 },

12 {

13 "id": 2,

14 "taskId": 1,

15 "userName": "User2 Name2",

16 "body": "I'm modified",

17 "createdAt": 1612806202817,

18 "canModify": false

19 }


AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to the task.

Missing task Id.

Task does not exist.

Missing task comment body.

Task comment does not exist.

Retrieve Data Dictionary Objects

Returns a list of various lists of items representing the possible values that can be used in other Action Center APIs.


GET /customers/{customerId}/actioncenter/dictionarydata

Sample Output


2 "viewTypes": [

3 "Synergy Integrator Actions",

4 "Public Actions"

5 ],

6 "sectionTypes": [

7 "Work Log",

8 "Blocked",

9 "Closed"

10 ],

11 "actionTypes": [

12 {

13 "id": 1,

14 "name": "BAS",

15 "color": "#FBAA18"

16 },

17 {

18 "id": 3,

19 "name": "Capital",

20 "color": "#333333"

21 },

22 {

23 "id": 4,

24 "name": "ECM",

25 "color": "#3D4A26"

26 },

27 {

28 "id": 5,

29 "name": "Maintenance",

30 "color": "#330033"

31 },

32 {

33 "id": 2,

34 "name": "Mechanical",

35 "color": "#955393"

36 },

37 {

38 "id": 8,

39 "name": "Memo",

40 "color": "#2E4A79"

41 },

42 {

43 "id": 7,

44 "name": "Observations",

45 "color": "#C66A00"

46 },

47 {

48 "id": 6,

49 "name": "Operational",

50 "color": "#EB5E74"

51 }

52 ],

53 "workLogStatuses": [

54 "Open Actions",

55 "In Progress",

56 "New Actions",

57 "Old Actions"

58 ],

59 "closedStatuses": [

60 "Closed Recently",

61 "All Closed Actions"

62 ],

63 "statuses": [

64 "Open",

65 "In Progress",

66 "Blocked",

67 "Closed"

68 ],

69 "efforts": [

70 "Very High",

71 "High",

72 "Medium",

73 "Low",

74 "Very Low"

75 ],

76 "priorities": [

77 "High",

78 "Medium",

79 "Low"

80 ],

81 "visibilities": [

82 "Public",

83 "Integrators"

84 ],

85 "sortColumns": [

86 "type_name",

87 "customer_task_id",

88 "priority",

89 "title",

90 "assigned_to",

91 "status_updated_at",

92 "updated_at",

93 "created_at"

94 ],

95 "sortDirections": [

96 "asc",

97 "desc"

98 ]


AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to any customers.

Retrieve Available Action Center Task Assignees

Returns a list of valid Action Center task assignees for a given building.



Sample Output


2 {

3 "id": 201,

4 "name": "First Last",

5 "email": "",

6 "distributor": false,

7 "distributorName": null

8 },

9 {

10 "id": 200,

11 "name": "First Last2",

12 "email": "",

13 "distributor": false,

14 "distributorName": null

15 },

16 {

17 "id": 104,

18 "name": "First Last",

19 "email": "",

20 "distributor": true,

21 "distributorName": "Resolute"

22 },

23 {

24 "id": 337,

25 "name": "First Last2",

26 "email": "",

27 "distributor": true,

28 "distributorName": "Resolute"

29 }


AuthUserValidationError Output:

Client does not have access to the building.

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