Service Commitments and System Requirements

The Resolute solution uses a cloud-based protocol to connect to on-premise building systems and devices to collect, aggregate, and store equipment and meter data for programmatic analysis. Resolute commits to securing these connections to prevent any inbound access to user networks while restricting access to collected data to authorized users only. To this end, Resolute has implemented VPN tunnels to secure the connections from the Resolute solution to customer facilities. Additionally, firewalls are in place for devices located at customer facilities to prevent external access. Inbound port access has also been disabled to prevent Resolute devices from connecting to customer networks. Resolute performs annual user access reviews to ensure access to the Resolute solution is restricted to authorized users only. In the event of a change in commitments, Resolute will notify impacted users through statements of work and master service agreements.

Resolute utilizes Amazon Web Services (Reso) to provide data center hosting and monitors reports from Amazon Web Services (AWS) monthly to track system performance. Resolute also uses separate monitoring applications to monitor security and availability. Reports for these monitoring applications are reviewed monthly. Resolute reviews Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) SOC 2 report annually to ensure environmental and physical security controls are in place.

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