Customer Creation

Creating a New Customer

The following information defines how to create, configure, and save a new customer in Synergy.

Accessing the New Customer Dialog Box

Note: Upon initial login, the Home screen contains no data and will remain in this state until you create a new customer.

1. Log in to Synergy through the Resolute Login Portal using the credentials you established during the account setup or by clicking the [Sign in with Google] button. You will be taken to the Customer List screen, which displays all the created customers.

2. Click the [Create New Customer] tile. The Add New Customer dialog box appears.

Creating a New Customer

Defining Customer Name and Authentication Methodology

1. In the Add New Customer dialog box, click the "Customer Name" box and type the name of the customer.

2. Click the "Multi-factor Authentication" checkbox to select this option as your authentication method.

Defining Customer Name and Authentication Methodology

Note: The Multi-factor Authentication option allows you to add additional security to access customer data. A user is required to present two or more factors as part of the authentication protocol before access is granted.

Defining the Customer Start Date

Defining the customer start date impacts configurable components related to time-series data, particularly charts. When creating a new customer, the current date is set as the default date. It is recommended that you keep the default date upon initial customer creation. However, if at some point you add historical data to the customer's data set, you may want to change the start date to reflect the corresponding dates of the added historical data. Changing the customer start date can be done manually or by using the Calendar widget. These methods are defined in the following sections.

Manually Defining the Customer Start Date

1. In the Add New Customer dialog box, click the "State Date" box.

2. Click the month, date, and/or year you want to change.

3. The selection will become highlighted. Type the desired date in the text box.

Manually Defining the Customer Start Date

Using the Calendar Widget to Define the Customer Start Date

1. In the Add New Customer dialog box, click the "Calendar" widget in the Start Date box.

2. Use the controls at the top of the Calendar widget to navigate the calendar.

3. Click the desired start date. The full date appears in the State Date box.

Calendar Widget to Define the Customer Start Date

Resetting the State Date to the Current Date

1. In the Add New Customer dialog box, click the "Calendar" widget in the Start Date box.

2. Click the "Today" button on the bottom of the Calendar widget.

3. The date will be updated in the Start Date box.

Resetting the State Date to the Current Date

Note: Please be aware that resetting the start date will rest to the date on which the action is being performed and not the date on which the customer was originally created.

Setting Defaults and Enabling Functionality in Fusion

1. In the Add New Customer dialog box, click the "Root Feature" dropdown, and in the list, click the Fusion screen you want to set as the default view. The corresponding screen name will become highlighted.

Note: It is recommended you select "Action Center" as the default Fusion screen view.

2. Under "Page Feature", select all the functional categories you want to enable in Fusion by clicking the checkbox associated with the corresponding name.

Note: It is recommended that at a minimum, you enable the following functional categories: Action Center, Analytics, and Reports.

Saving a New Customer Entry

To save a new customer entry, complete the "Add New Customer" form as defined in the previous sections and click the [Save] button at the bottom of the dialog box.

Saving a New Customer Entry

A customer card for the newly created customer appears in the Customer List tab of the Synergy Home screen.

Editing a Customer

1. Log into Synergy through the Resolute Login Portal using your Resolute credentials. You will be taken to the Home screen, which lists all your created customers.

2. Click the "Edit" icon associated with the customer for which you want to edit. The Edit Customer dialog box appears.

Editing a Customer

3. In the Edit Customer dialog box, make the update(s) as required. The [Save] button becomes active.

4. Click the [Save] button.

Edit Customer

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