Creating a New KMC Commander Connector

The following information defines how to create a new KMC Commander Connector.

Accessing the Connector Creation Screen

1. Log in to Synergy through the Resolute Login Portal using the credentials you established during the account setup or by clicking the [Sign in with Google] button. You will be taken to the Customer List screen, which lists all your created customers using Customer Tiles.

2. On the Customer List screen, click the [Connectors] button associated with the customer for which you want to create a connector. You will be taken to the Connectors screen.

Note: If you are already within Synergy/Configuration, click "Connectors" in the side navigation menu. You will be taken to the Connectors screen.

Creating a KMC Commander Connector

1. Access the Connectors screen and click the [New Connector] button. A New Connector dialog box appears.

2. In the New Connector dialog box, click the “KMCCommander” button under Connector Type. Click the [Continue] button.

3. In the “Connector Name” text box, type the name created by the customer.

4. In the “Project ID” text box, type the ID assigned by KMC. Click the [Create] button.

Note: Your Project ID is assigned by KMC and can be found at the top and bottom of the RBI page in KMC Commander Market Place.

5. The New Connector tile appears in the Connectors screen, confirming connectivity to the KMC Commander module. When the Connector Tile status is “Good”, proceed to “Point Mapping”.

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