Quick Start Guide


The Quick Start Guide is designed to set up a user in Resolute Synergy™ and Resolute Fusion™ by quickly connecting buildings and a core set of data. 

This guide is separated into Steps and Actions.  

Steps provide guided instructions on how to use Resolute Synergy™ to connect and configure your building.  

Actions provide information about how to use Resolute Fusion™ to access Reports and Analytics after configuration is complete.  

The following table defines the flow of this guide. Follow the first ten steps to connect and configure your building in Synergy™ and the two remaining steps to access reports and analytics in Fusion™. Use the links attached to each step for further detailed information on each topic. 

Application  Topic  Section 
Synergy™  Create a New Customer  Step 1 
Synergy™  Create a New Connector  Step 2 
Synergy™  Map Raw Points  Step 3 
Synergy™  Ignore Unused Points  Step 4 
Synergy™  Tag Equipment  Step 5 
Synergy™  Assign Parent Equipment Relationships  Step 6 
Synergy™  Tag Points  Step 7 
Synergy™  Generate Rules Candidates  Step 8 
Synergy™  Enable Rules Candidates  Step 9 
Synergy™  Enable Reports  Step 10 
Fusion™  Access and Download Reports  Action 1 
Fusion™  Access and View Analytics   Action 2 

Key Assumption 

This guide assumes that you have already properly configured your Tridium Niagara Supervisor by installing the NHaystack module for your supported version of Niagara-AX or N4 and by applying history extensions to all your Points. If you have not yet performed these actions, please do so before continuing. Once completed, you will then be ready to use this guide to quickly get started using our solution. 

If you need assistance configuring your Supervisor, please access our Tridium Niagara Supervisor Setup instructions located in the Resolute Help Center

Step 1: Create a New Customer 

1. Log in to Synergy using the credentials you established during account setup or by clicking the [Sign in with Google] button.  

2. Click the [Create New Customer] button. 

Create a New Customer 

3. In the “Add New Customer” dialog box, do the following:           

  • Add a Customer Name 
  • Select Multi-factor Authentication 
  • Confirm Start Date (For initial setup, use current date) 
  • Choose “Action Center” as your Fusion Root Feature 
  • Select the “Action Center”, “Analytics”, and “Reports” Page Features 
  • Click the [Save] button    

Add a Customer Name 

Step 2: Create a New Connector 

1. Click the “Connectors” link under Configuration in the customer tile. 

Create a New Connector 

2. Click the [New Connector] button.  

3. In the “New Connector” dialog box, select the “NHaystack” option and then click the [Continue] button. 

 Click the [New Connector] button.  

4. Select the “Connection to private Niagara Server through OpenVPN” and then click the [Continue] button. 

Connection to private Niagara Server through OpenVPN

5. In the “Create new VPN” text box, enter the new VPN server name using the following format: [Supervisor Host Name] VPN Server, and then click the [Continue] button. 

Create new VPN

6. After the VPN is created (this may take a few moments), click the [Download] button.  

click the [Download] button.  

7. Save the file and run the OpenVPN Installer Setup. 

Save the file and run the OpenVPN Installer Setup

Note: Once the OpenVPN Installer Setup is complete, the OpenVPN Connection will connect securely to the Resolute Cloud and confirm connectivity with a green OpenVPN GUI icon located in the Windows Taskbar.

8. Click the [Continue] button. 

Click the [Continue] button. 

9. In the “Username” and “Password” text boxes, add the already created Niagara NHaystack username and password. 

10. In the “Name” text box, add a name for the connector using the following format (Supervisor Station Name) NHaystack Connector, and then click the [Test Connection] button. 

Niagara NHaystack username and password. 

11. Once the connection has been established, click the [Create] button.

connection has been established,

Note: After 15 minutes, refresh your browser. The new connector status will change from "Not Started" to "Good".

Step 3: Map Raw Points 

Points coming from an outside source are mapped based on their Metric IDs and run the Rules that feed to the Reports. In order to use the Bulk Tagging feature in the following steps, all Points associated with the same piece of equipment must be tagged with the same options. 

1. Click the "Point Mapper" icon in the side navigation menu. Confirm the “Map Points” Operation toggle is selected in the Unmapped tab.    

 Map Raw Points 

Note: The empty Mapping search bar displays the Metric ID hierarchy to follow.

Step 1: Mapping

2. Apply a mapping filter by double-clicking a MetricID in the table. The Metric ID will appear in the “Step 1: Mapping” search bar. 

3. Replace the Metric ID identifiers in the search bar with mapping identifiers by double-clicking any section of the Metric ID. The mapping options menu will appear as a dropdown list. 

4. In the menu, click the mapping option that corresponds with the Metric ID identifiers you want to replace. 

Note: The following figure provides an example of replacing a Metric ID identifier with mapping identifiers. The mapping filter needs a minimum of a {building} and a {point}. However, the best results are achieved by changing all known identifiers in the Metric ID.

Replace the Metric ID

5. Click the [Apply] button. The table is filtered based on your selection.    

 filtered based on your selection.    

Note: If you have more than one building that matches the mapping filter, select the specific building for which you want to map points from the "Select Building" dropdown menu, and then click the [Apply] button. Now only the selected points will be mapped as specified for that building.

6. Click the [Map Points] button.      

Map Points

To map another set of Points: 

  1. Click the “Clear Filter” link and the table will repopulate with the remaining Points that have yet to be mapped. It is recommended to repeat this process until all Points related to HVAC equipment and zones have been mapped. 

Clear Filter

Note: View the Points Reference Guide for specifics on the recommended points to tag.

Step 4: Ignore Unused Points 

Once you are satisfied that you have mapped all Points related to HVAC equipment and the zones conditioned by the equipment, you can ignore the remaining, unused Points. This is not a mandatory function, one that simply provides more organization for your data. 

  1. Click the “Clear Filter” link and the table will repopulate with the remaining points that have yet to be mapped. 
  2. Click “Ignore Points” from the Operation toggle. 
  3. Click the checkbox next to the “Metric ID” column heading to select all Points on the current page. 
  4. Click the [Ignore Points] button. 

Ignore Points

5. Repeat this process until you have ignored all the desired points.   

ignored all the desired points.

Step 5: Tag Equipment 

Using the Points mapped in the previous step, the equipment can now be tagged. Equipment Tagging applies meta tags to set up the parent/child relationships. 

1. Click the "Equipment Tagging" icon in the side navigation panel. 

2. Use the Search and Filter functions to narrow the table results to Points connected to an equipment type. 

Note: Using Search Bar Wildcards

The asterisk symbol (*) is the wildcard identifier and replaces parts of an asset path or display name in searches. Use a wildcard at the beginning to find all equipment that ends with the search term. Use one at the end to find all equipment that begins with the term. Finally, use a wildcard at the start and end to find equipment with any use of that search term and between terms to search by more than one term.

3. After you have finished your query, click the [Apply Filter] button. 

Tag Equipment 

4. To use the Bulk Tagging feature, click the dropdown box in the table’s “Type” column and, in the menu, select the appropriate equipment type. 

5. Click the [Apply Changes] button, and the tagging process begins.   

tagging process begins

Note: To tag individual points, click the type in the selected row to view the dropdown menu.

6. Use the “Clear Filter” button and repeat this tagging process for Points related to the equipment types you wish to map. Tagging the “VAV” and “AHU” equipment is recommended during the initial Synergy setup.    

Note: The percentage of Equipment Tagged will continue to increase as parent relationships are assigned.

Step 6: Assign Parent Equipment Relationships 

Parent (airside) relationships must be assigned to the terminal units now that the equipment has been tagged. The process is similar to Equipment Tagging; however, you will be using the Parent (airside) column in the Equipment Tagging screen. 

1. Click the "Equipment Tagging" icon in the side navigation panel. 

2. Use the search and filter functions to narrow the table results to Points that need Parent Equipment assigned.  

Assign Parent Equipment Relationships 

3. Click the dropdown box in the table’s “Parent (airside)” column and, in the menu, select the appropriate Parent (airside) Equipment. This can be done as a bulk selection (in the column heading dropdown) or individually within the row. 

4. Click the [Apply Changes] button, and the tagging process begins.   

Parent (airside)

5. Continue to assign Parent (airside) Equipment tags to the same and/or different sets of terminal units. Repeat this process until the Parent Equipment assignments are satisfied. 

Note: To achieve the best initial results, we recommend that you assign a Paren (airside) tag to all airside terminal unit equipment related to HVAC equipment and the zones conditioned by that equipment.

Step 7: Tag Points 

Mapped Points must be tagged so they can be recognized by the system to configure Computed Points, Rules, and Reports. It is up to the customer to decide the percentage of Points to tag, based on what Rules and Reports need to be generated. Points are grouped by Equipment Type, which was tagged in the previous steps. 

1. Click the "Point Tagging" icon in the side navigation menu. 

2. Filter data by selecting an Equipment Type from the dropdown menu. Click the [Apply Filter] button. 

Point Tagging

3. Click on the “Name” column header to sort the table alphabetically by name. 

Point Tagging by Name

4. Double-click on the cell in the Point Template column that corresponds with the Equipment Point you want to tag. A dropdown menu will appear with the Point Template options.  

Note: Use the table below for examples of the Point Templates tagged to the types of VAV equipment.

VAV Equipment  Point Template 
Cooling Maximum Airflow Setpoint  CoolMaxFlow(cooling,flow,max,sp) 
Cooling Minimum Airflow Setpoint  CoolMinFlow(cooling,flow,min,sp) 
Discharge Air Damper Position  DaDmprPos(air,damper,discharge,sensor) 
Discharge Air Temperature  DaTemp(air,discharge,sensor,temp) 
Discharge Airflow  DaFlow(air,discharge,flow,sensor) 
Discharge Airflow Setpoint  DaFlowSP(air,discharge,effective,flow,sp) 
Effective Cooling Setpoint  EffCoolSp(air,cooling,effective,sp,temp,zone) 
Effective Heating Setpoint  EffHeatSp(air,effective,heating,sp,temp,zone) 
Heating Maximum Airflow Setpoint  HeatMaxFlow(flow,heating,max,sp) 
Heating Minimum Airflow Setpoint  HeatMinFLow(flow,heating,min,sp) 
Occupied Command  Occ (cmd,occupied) 
Occupied Cooling Setpoint  OccCoolSp(air,cooling,occ,sp,temp,zone) 
Occupied Heating Setpoint  OccHeatSp(air,heating,occ,sp,temp,zone) 
Reheat Command  RhtCmd(cmd,reheat) 
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint  UoccCoolSp(air,cooling,sp,temp,unocc,zone) 
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint  UnoccHeatSp(air,heating,sp,temp,unocc, zone) 
Zone Temperature  ZoneTemp(air,sensor,temp,zone) 
Zone Temperature Setpoint  ZoneTempSp(air,effective,sp,temp,zone) 

5. Click [Apply Changes] after selecting the Point Template tag. 

Click [Apply Changes] after selecting the Point Template tag

6. Continue to use the Equipment Type filter and Point Template dropdown menus to tag the remaining Points. 

Note: The percentage of the Points Tagged status bar is likely to stay in the red after tagging is complete. This will not affect Rules or Report generation.

Step 8: Generate Rules Candidates 

Rules are a key analytical feature that identify performance issues and provide operational parameters for the equipment they are attached to. This is done by processing time-series data using Input Points to determine if a fault exists. Generating Rules allows you to get the most up-to-date data. 

1. Click the "Rules" icon in the side navigation panel. 

2. Click the “Generate Candidates” tab. 

3. Click the checkbox next to the Buildings column heading to select all buildings 

4. Click the [Generate Candidates] button.       

Generate Rules Candidates 

Note: While Rule candidates are being generated, the page will update in real-time with the candidate quantity results of each selected building.

Step 9: Enable Rules Candidates 

After you have generated Rule Candidates, they will be available to view in the “Disabled” tab of the Rules screen. For the Rules to be functional, they must be Enabled. 

1. While on the Rules screen, Click the “Disabled” tab.     

2. Click the checkbox next to the “Asset” column heading to select all Rules candidates. 

3. Click the [Enable All] button. 

Enable Rules Candidates 

Step 10: Enable Reports 

Another key analytical feature is Equipment Reports. Each Report takes in the Tagged Equipment within a building and performs a calculation that results in a ROS (Resolute Optimization Score), these scores and Reports are available to view and download in Fusion. 

1. Click the "Reports" icon in the side navigation panel. 

2. In the Disabled tab, click the checkbox next to the “Building” column heading to select all Reports. 

3. Click the [Enable Reports] button. The Reports will now be available in Fusion to view and download.  

Enable Reports 

Note: For Reports to generate, you must have 7 days (Monday - Sunday) of data saved for the new Customer. Reports are automatically regenerated every Monday.

Action 1: Access and Download Reports 

After generating reports, the reports can be found in the Fusion Application. From there, it is possible to download them to view. Reports in Fusion is a read-only function. 

1. Click the [Fusion] button at the top right of the page. You will be taken to the Action Center. Click "Reports" in the side navigation panel.  

Access and Download Reports 

2. Click the “View Reports Library” button for the building you would like to view Reports. A table will appear with the enabled reports for the building. 

View Reports Library

3. Click the “Download” icon in the Actions column associated with the report you want to download. The report is downloaded as a PDF and is now available to view by clicking the download at the bottom of your screen. The report will open in a new browser window. 


4. To print reports from Fusion – open the downloaded PDF in a window and use the browser menu to access the print function. 

Action 2: Access and View Analytics 

1. Click the [Fusion] button at the top right of the page. You will be taken to the Action Center. Click “Analytics” in the side navigation panel. 

Access and View Analytics

2. Click the “View Rule Analytics” button for the building you would like to view. 

View Rule Analytics

3. Click the "Details" arrow to view more information about specific Rules. 

Specific Rules Details

4. Click the "Point Selector" button to view the charts for the selected building or Rule in the Explorer screen. 

Point Selector

5. Use the various filters and controls for more granular analysis. 

filters and controls for more granular analysis

Note: Rules processing occurs daily. Consequently, results associated with the application of Rules should be incorporated in Explorer within 24 hours.

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