Quick Start Guide


The Quick Start Guide is designed to set up a user in Resolute Synergy™ and Resolute Fusion™ by quickly connecting buildings and a core set of data. 

This guide is separated into Steps and Actions.  

Steps provide guided instructions on how to use Resolute Synergy™ to connect and configure your building.  

Actions provide information about how to use Resolute Fusion™ to access Reports and Analytics after configuration is complete.  

The following table defines the flow of this guide. Follow the first ten steps to connect and configure your building in Synergy™ and the two remaining steps to access reports and analytics in Fusion™. Use the links attached to each step for further detailed information on each topic. 

Application  Topic  Section 
Synergy™  Create a New Customer  Step 1 
Synergy™  Create a New Connector  Step 2 
Synergy™  Map Raw Points  Step 3 
Synergy™  Ignore Unused Points  Step 4 
Synergy™  Tag Equipment  Step 5 
Synergy™  Assign Parent Equipment Relationships  Step 6 
Synergy™  Tag Points  Step 7 
Synergy™  Generate Rules Candidates  Step 8 
Synergy™  Enable Rules Candidates  Step 9 
Synergy™  Enable Reports  Step 10 
Fusion™  Access and Download Reports  Action 1 
Fusion™  Access and View Analytics   Action 2 

Key Assumption 

This guide assumes that you have already properly configured your Tridium Niagara Supervisor by installing the NHaystack module for your supported version of Niagara-AX or N4 and by applying history extensions to all your Points. If you have not yet performed these actions, please do so before continuing. Once completed, you will then be ready to use this guide to quickly get started using our solution. 

If you need assistance configuring your Supervisor, please access our Tridium Niagara Supervisor Setup instructions located in the Resolute Help Center

Step 1: Create a New Customer 

1. Log in to Synergy using the credentials you established during account setup or by clicking the [Sign in with Google] button.  

2. Click the [Create New Customer] button. 

Create a New Customer 

3. In the “Add New Customer” dialog box, do the following:           

  • Add a Customer Name 
  • Select Multi-factor Authentication 
  • Confirm Start Date (For initial setup, use current date) 
  • Choose “Action Center” as your Fusion Root Feature 
  • Select the “Action Center”, “Analytics”, and “Reports” Page Features 
  • Click the [Save] button    

Add a Customer Name 

Step 2: Create a New Connector 

1. Click the “Connectors” link under Configuration in the customer tile. 

Create a New Connector 

2. Click the [New Connector] button.  

3. In the “New Connector” dialog box, select the “NHaystack” option and then click the [Continue] button. 

 Click the [New Connector] button.  

4. Select the “Connection to private Niagara Server through OpenVPN” and then click the [Continue] button. 

Connection to private Niagara Server through OpenVPN

5. In the “Create new VPN” text box, enter the new VPN server name using the following format: [Supervisor Host Name] VPN Server, and then click the [Continue] button. 

Create new VPN

6. After the VPN is created (this may take a few moments), click the [Download] button.  

click the [Download] button.  

7. Save the file and run the OpenVPN Installer Setup. 

Save the file and run the OpenVPN Installer Setup

Note: Once the OpenVPN Installer Setup is complete, the OpenVPN Connection will connect securely to the Resolute Cloud and confirm connectivity with a green OpenVPN GUI icon located in the Windows Taskbar.

8. Click the [Continue] button. 

Click the [Continue] button. 

9. In the “Username” and “Password” text boxes, add the already created Niagara NHaystack username and password. 

10. In the “Name” text box, add a name for the connector using the following format (Supervisor Station Name) NHaystack Connector, and then click the [Test Connection] button. 

Niagara NHaystack username and password. 

11. Once the connection has been established, click the [Create] button.

connection has been established,

Note: After 15 minutes, refresh your browser. The new connector status will change from "Not Started" to "Good".

Step 3: Map Raw Points 

Points coming from an outside source are mapped based on their Metric IDs and run the Rules that feed to the Reports. In order to use the Bulk Tagging feature in the following steps, all Points associated with the same piece of equipment must be tagged with the same options. 

1. Click the "Point Mapper" icon in the side navigation menu. Confirm the “Map Points” Operation toggle is selected in the Unmapped tab.    

 Map Raw Points 

Note: The empty Mapping search bar displays the Metric ID hierarchy to follow.

Step 1: Mapping

2. Apply a mapping filter by double-clicking a MetricID in the table. The Metric ID will appear in the “Step 1: Mapping” search bar. 

3. Replace the Metric ID identifiers in the search bar with mapping identifiers by double-clicking any section of the Metric ID. The mapping options menu will appear as a dropdown list. 

4. In the menu, click the mapping option that corresponds with the Metric ID identifiers you want to replace. 

Note: The following figure provides an example of replacing a Metric ID identifier with mapping identifiers. The mapping filter needs a minimum of a {building} and a {point}. However, the best results are achieved by changing all known identifiers in the Metric ID.

Replace the Metric ID

5. Click the [Apply] button. The table is filtered based on your selection.    

 filtered based on your selection.    

Note: If you have more than one building that matches the mapping filter, select the specific building for which you want to map points from the "Select Building" dropdown menu, and then click the [Apply] button. Now only the selected points will be mapped as specified for that building.

6. Click the [Map Points] button.