Reference Guide: Computed Points Templates

Computed Points Templates Reference Documentation

This section provides full documentation for every computed point template currently made available through the Resolute platform. Each template is described in its own subsection and provides the following information:

  • Computed point template name
  • Description of the output point being calculated
  • Equipment types to which the template can be applied
  • Any additional equipment constraints in the form of equipment meta tags that must be present before the template can be applied to a given equipment type
  • Any special tuple constraints stipulating the presence or absence of multiple input points
  • The set of input points, including the following information for each:
    • What point template must be applied to the point?
    • What is the expected position of the point in the building hierarchy relative to the equipment that the template will be applied to?
    • Is it mandatory or optional?
      • Is it scalar or vector? 
  • The set of constants, including the following information for each:
    • Name
    • Data type
    • Default value

Computed Points Reference List

Heating Systems

1.1 ZoneTempDev - Zone Temperature Deviation


Calculates the Zone Temperature Deviation based on the difference between the Zone Temperature and the Supplied Setpoint. If the "ZoneTempSp" is supplied, the value represents temperature deviation above or below the temperature dead band divided by 2.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints Output Point Template
vav, ahu, fcu or heatpump None One of the following input points must be a direct child of the equipment that this computed point is attached to: UnoccCoolSp, UnoccHeatSp, OccCoolSp, OccHeatSp, EffHeatSp, EffCoolSp, ZoneTempSp ZoneTempDev
Input Points
Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Occupied Mode Occ This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint UnoccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint UnoccHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Occupied Heating Setpoint OccHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Effective Cooling Setpoint EffCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Effective Heating Setpoint EffHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Zone Temperature Setpoint (effective)   ZoneTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Input Constants
Name Data Type Default Value Description
Occupied Value Numeric 1 This number represents the value that indicates that the area is occupied.
Unoccupied Value Numeric 0 This number represents the value that indicates that the area is not occupied.
Standby Value Numeric 2 This number represents the value that indicates the occupancy sensor is in standby mode.
Heating Mode Value Numeric 1 This number represents the value that indicates the piece of equipment is in heating mode.
Cooling Mode Value Numeric 3 This number represents the value that indicates the piece of equipment is in cooling mode.
Temperature Deadband Numeric 3 This number (in Fahrenheit) represents the acceptable deviation above and below the Zone Temperature Setpoint. The value is divided by two when calculating ZoneTempDev based on ZoneTempSp.

1.2 ZoneAirChangeRateTotal - Zone Air Change Rate Total


Calculates the air change rate in air changes per hour (ACH) using the discharge air flow rate in cubic feet per minute (cfm) serving the zone and the zone volume in cubic feet (ft3).

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints Output Point Template
vav, ahu, fcu or heatpump None None ZoneAirChangeRateTotal
Input Points
Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Flow DaFlow This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Input Constants
Name Data Type Default Value Description
Zone Volume (ft3) Numeric 1 The volume of the zone, in cubic feet, that this point is being calculated for.

1.3 ZoneAirChangeRateOa - Zone Air Change Rate Outside


Calculate the air change rate in air changes per hour (ACH) using the discharge air flow rate in cubic feet per minute (cfm) serving the zone, the outside air damper of the zone's parent AHU, and the zone volume in cubic feet (ft3). 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints Output Point Template
vav, ahu, fcu or heatpump None This point requires either the OaDmprPos or OaDmprCmd points as inputs. In the case where both points are present, OaDmprPos takes precedence. ZoneAirChangeRateTotal
Input Points
Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Flow DaFlow This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the computed point is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
AHU Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the parent equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
AHU Outside Air Damper Command OaDmprCmd This point must be a direct child of the parent equipment that the computed point is attached to. Tuple Constraint Scalar
Input Constants
Name Data Type Default Value Description
Zone Volume (ft3) Numeric 1 The volume of the zone, in cubic feet, that this point is being calculated for.
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