Tridium Niagara Supervisor Setup

This section defines how to set up a Tridium Niagara Supervisor to map and tag all points and history records in Synergy. Properly setting up and configuring a Tridium Niagara Supervisor Station is a critical component of the building-integration process, as consistent, quality data is the most important aspect of ensuring effective energy analytics perform in real-time while obtaining accurate performance history analysis of the building, equipment operation, and metering functionality.

In this section, you will learn the following:

o  How to qualify your Tridium Niagara Supervisor

o  How to download and install the NHaystack Niagara Module

o  How to configure the NHaystack Niagara Service within a Niagara Station to connect the Station data and historical records to the Resolute Cloud

Tridium Niagara Supervisor (Brand Agnostic) Requirements

BAS equipment and operational data must be integrated into a Tridium Niagara Supervisor. 

Note: Utility meter and sub-meter data are optional and are not required to be integrated into the Tridium Niagara Supervisor.

Tridium Niagara Supervisor must be running on a Microsoft® Windows® Operating System (OS) version supported by the Resolute Haystack Cloud Connector VPN Client. 

Supported Microsoft® Windows® OS versions include:

  • Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home
  • Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional
  • Microsoft® Windows® 10 Home
  • Microsoft® Windows® 10 Professional

The Tridium Niagara Supervisor must be a supported Tridium Niagara Supervisor version. Supported Tridium Niagara versions include:

  • Niagara N4: (4.7U1),
  • Niagara AX: 3.8.401

Note: For the following example, the nHaystack 3.0.1 module will be installed into the Niagara N4 directory.

Downloading and Installing the NHaystack Niagara Module

1. In the following list, click the link, and the download for the NHaystack Niagara module applicable to the owner’s version of Tridium Niagara Supervisor will begin. Supported NHaystack Niagara module versions are:

2. Extract the contents of to a location on the owner’s Tridium Niagara Supervisor. In the following example, the nhaystack-3.0.1 folder will be extracted to the Windows user’s Downloads folder.

3. Using Windows File Explorer, navigate to where the nhaystack-3.0.1 folder was extracted and open the nhaystack-3.0.1 folder. Select and copy the following:

  • nhaystack-rt.jar
  • nhaystack-wb.jar

4. Paste the copied nHaystack JAR files into the C:\Niagara\\modules directory.

Initializing the nHaystack Modules

The following instructions define how to initialize the additional (2) nHaystack modules obtained from the previous section

1. Open the Niagara Supervisor Platform. In the Niagara Workbench, right-click “My Host” and, in the menu, click “Open Platform”.

2. When the Connect dialog box appears, click the [OK] button.

3. Double-click “Application Director”.

4. Highlight the running Station, and then click the [Stop] button. The running station will be saved and stopped.

5. Close and reopen the Niagara Workbench, and then click the [Start] button to start the Station.

Adding the NHaystack Service to the Station

1. In the Niagara Workbench with the Supervisor Station running, open the NHaystack Palette.

2. Drag and drop the NHaystackService component within the NHaystack palette onto the Services of the Station.

Creating an NHaystack User in the Station UserService

1. In the Supervisor Station, double click "Config/Services/UserService", and then click the [New] button.

2. When the New User dialog box appears, click the [OK] button. A New User Configuration dialog box appears.

3. In the New User Configuration dialog box, configure the following properties and then click the [Ok] button:

  • Name: Type “NHaystack”
  • Full Name: Type “Do not delete!”
  • Roles: Click “admin” to enable
  • Auto Logoff Settings: Click “Auto Logoff Enabled” to disable
  • Authentication Scheme Name: Type “DigestScheme”
  • Password: Copy and paste a strong password from the LastPass Password Generator Tool (
    • Length must be at least 12 characters.
    • Contain at least 1 lowercase and 1 uppercase letter.
    • Contain at least 1 special character.
    • Contain at least 1 number (0–9).

Adding and Discovering Network Devices and Points

This document does not provide information detailing how to add devices and points for each network for which Tridium Niagara has a driver. However, the following provides general best practices.

Add and/or discover all network devices for each protocol the owner’s BAS supports and utilizes. The Tridium Niagara N4 license supports the following protocols without additional feature costs:

  • BACnet IP and MS/TP
  • Modbus TCP and RTU
  • Lonworks IP and FT

1. Add and/or discover all device points.

2. Create a hierarchy utilizing a folder structure that most closely resembles the following hierarchy:

  • Supervisor Controller
    • Flr00 (Basement or Ground Floor)
    • Flr01
    • Flr03
      • VAV301
      • VAV302
      • VAV302
        • DaTemp
        • DaFlow
        • ZoneTemp
  • AHU
    • AHU01
    • AHU02
    • AHU03
      • SupFanSts
      • DaTemp
      • MaDmprCmd
  • ChwSys
    • CH01
    • CH02
      • ChwsTemp
      • ChwsTempSp
    • CHWP01
    • CHWP02
      • Cmd
      • Sts

Batch Applying and Enabling History Extensions to all Niagara Proxy Points

IMPORTANT: Before batch applying history extensions to all points, it is important to understand that there is no "undo" when using the Services/ProgramService/BatchEditor. Therefore, make sure you back up the Station before you being the following steps.

The type of history extension applied to a point depends on the point type as defined below:

  • NumericPoint/NumericWritable: NumericIntervalHisoryExt
  • BooleanPoint/BooleanWritable: BooleanCovHisoryExt
  • EnumPoint/EnumWritable: EnumCovHisoryExt
  • StringPoint/StringWritable: StringCovHisoryExt

Batch Applying NumericIntervalHistoryExt to all NumericPoint and NumericWritable Objects

1. Double-click "ProgramServices/BatchEditor" in the left navigation panel and then click the [Find Objects] button.

2. Click the “Of Type” dropdown and, in the list, click “Control Point.”

3. Click the “Match” dropdown and, in the list, click “Any.”

4. Click the Add icon to add a match criterion and enter the following match criteria:

  • type = control:NumericPoint
  • type = control:NumericWritable
  1. Click the [OK] button. All NumericPoints and NumericWritables will populate within the query view. 

6. Click the [Add Slot] button. The Add Slot dialog box appears.

7. In the Add Slot dialog box, configure the following:

  • Set New Name: to NumericInterval
  • Set New Type: to history:NumericIntervalHistoryExt
  • Set History Name to:

8. Click the [OK] button.

9. On the ProgramServices/BatchEditor screen, click the [Clear All] button to remove the currently filtered objects. This prevents mistakenly applying new configurations to any previously configured objects.

Batch Applying BooleanCovHistoryExt to all BooleanPoint and BooleanWritable Objects

1. Double-click "ProgramServices/BatchEditor" in the left navigation panel and then click the [Find Objects] button.

2. Click the “Of Type” dropdown and, in the list, click “Control Point".

3. Click the “Match” dropdown and, in the list, click “Any".

4. Click the Add icon to add a match criterion and enter the following match criteria:

  • type = control:BooleanPoint
  • type = control:BooleanWritable

5. Click the [OK] button. All BooleanPoints and BooleanWritables will populate within the query view. 

6. Click the [Add Slot] button. The Add Slot dialog box appears.

7. In the Add Slot dialog box, configure the following:

  • Set New Name: to BooleanCov
  • Set New Type: to history: BooleanCovHistoryExt
  • Set History Name to:

8. Click the [OK] button.

9. On the ProgramServices/BatchEditor screen, click the [Clear All] button to remove the currently filtered objects. This prevents mistakenly applying new configurations to any previously configured objects.

Batch Applying EnumCovHistoryExt to all EnumPoint and EnumWritable Objects

1. Double-click "ProgramServices/BatchEditor" in the left navigation panel and then click the [Find Objects] button.

2. Click the “Of Type” dropdown and, in the list, click “Control Point”.

3. Click the “Match” dropdown and, in the list, click “Any".

4. Click the Add icon (circle with a plus sign) to add a match criterion and enter the following match criteria:

  • type = control:EnumPoint
  • type = control:EnumWritable

5. Click the [OK] button. All EnumPoints and EnumWritables will populate within the query view.

6. Click the [Add Slot] button. The Add Slot dialog box appears.

7. In the Add Slot dialog box, configure the following:

  • Set New Name: to EnumCov
  • Set New Type: to history:EnumCovHistoryExt
  • Set History Name to:

8. Click the [OK] button.

9. On the ProgramServices/BatchEditor screen, click the [Clear All] button to remove the currently filtered objects. This prevents mistakenly applying new configurations to any previously configured objects.

Batch Applying StringCovHistoryExt to all StringPoint and StringWritable Objects

1. Double-click "ProgramServices/BatchEditor" in the left navigation panel and then click the [Find Objects] button.

2. Click the “Of Type” dropdown and, in the list, click “Control Point”.

3. Click the “Match” dropdown and, in the list, click “Any".

4. Click the Add icon to add a match criterion and enter the following match criteria:

  • type = control:StringPoint
  • type = control:StringWritable

5. Click the [OK] button. All StringPoints and StringWritables will populate within the query view. 

6. Click the [Add Slot] button. The Add Slot dialog box appears.

7. In the Add Slot dialog box, configure the following:

  • Set New Name: to StringCov 
  • Set New Type: to history:StringCovHistoryEx
  • Set History Name to:

8. Click the [OK] button. 

9. On the ProgramServices/BatchEditor screen, click the [Clear All] button to remove the currently filtered objects. This prevents mistakenly applying new configurations to any previously configured objects.

Enabling all History Extensions Using the HistoryService

1. Double-click "Services/HistorySevice" and then, in the list, click the first history entry to highlight it.

2. Press and hold the [Shift] key on your keyboard and then press the [End] key. This will highlight all history entries in the list.

3. Click the [Play] button to Enable Collection of history.

Note: Depending on the number of points within your Station, this process could take several minutes to complete. If the Station times out due to the number of points within your Station (typically occurs with a point count > 5,000) and logs you out, log back into the system and continue.

Initializing the NHaystackService in Niagara N4

1. Right-click "NHaystackService" and, in the menu, click “Actions”.

2. Click “Initialize Haystack” in the sub-menu.

3. Ensure that the NHaystack Service has been initialized by confirming the following output is present in the Application Director:

  • INFO [xx:xx:xx xx-Xxx-xx XXX][nhaystack] Begin initializing Haystack
  • INFO [xx:xx:xx xx-Xxx-xx XXX][nhaystack] Begin cache rebuil
  • INFO [xx:xx:xx xx-Xxx-xx XXX][nhaystack] NHaystack Servlet enable
  • INFO [xx:xx:xx xx-Xxx-xx XXX][nhaystack] End initializing NHaystack
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