Air Terminal Unit Operations Report


This report scores VAV boxes based on their availability to maintain zone temperature and airflow setpoints, along with potential root causes. 

Intent of Report

This report intends to focus on how well OR mechanical systems are meeting design requirements with regard to temperature, humidity, pressure, airflow, and ventilation. The report provides a RootCause analysis based on different KPIs and rule outputs to help direct technicians to possible issues within the equipment. 


The VAV equipment type must include one of the following input points to appear on the report. 

  • EffCoolSp, EffHeatSp or ZoneTempDev

Primary Metrics

Key metrics in evaluating the operation of the equipment within the report.

  • ZoneTemp is less than or greater than ZoneTempSp
  • DaFlow is less than or greater than DaFlowSp
  • DmprCmd is less than 1% open or greater than 90% open
  • Reheat is greater than 5% open

Scored KPIs

  • Zone Temperature vs. Zone Temperature setpoint (60% of ROS)
  • VAV Box Airflow vs Airflow setpoint (40% of ROS)

Input Points

To appear in a report, each piece of equipment of the appropriate type and with the appropriate equipment tag constraints must have at least one input point. There are two general categories of input points. 

Standard Input Points

A standard input point is typically a proxy point with time-series data that is retrieved at regular intervals from a remote data source such as Niagara using a Resolute Connector. Below are the Standard Input Points for the Air Terminal Unit Operations Report.

Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality
ZoneTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Mandatory
ColdDeckDmprCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
DaFanSts The point must be a direct child of the parent AHU of the equipment Optional
DaFlow The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
DaFlowSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
DaTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
DmprPos The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
EffCoolSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if EffHeatSp or ZoneTempDev is available
EffHeatSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if EffCoolSp or ZoneTempDev is available
HotDeckDmprCmd The point must be a direct child of the parent AHU equipment Optional
RhtCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
ZoneTempDev The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if EffCoolSp or EffHeatSp is available
ZoneTempSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional

Rule Input Points

A rule input point is the output of a rule applied to a given piece of equipment. It is a time series representing the presence or absence of a given fault condition. Below are the Rule Input Points for the Air Terminal Unit Operations Report. 

Rule Name Optionality - Zone Temperature Is Less Than Setpoint Mandatory - Zone Temperature Is Greater Than Setpoint Mandatory - Discharge Fan Static Pressure Is Greater Than Setpoint Optional - Discharge Fan Static Pressure Is Less Than Setpoint Optional - Fan Status Off When Commanded On Optional - Fan Status On When Commanded Off Optional - Discharge Air Temperature Is Greater Than Setpoint Optional - Discharge Air Temperature Is Less Than Setpoint Optional - Unexpected Increase in VAV Discharge Temperature Optional - Cooling Mode with No Flow Optional - Cooling Mode with Low Flow Optional - VAV Zone Temperature Sensor Failure Optional - VAV Discharge Air Temperature Sensor Failure Optional - Occupied Zone Temperature Heating Setpoint Above High Limit Optional - Occupied Zone Temperature Cooling Setpoint Below Low Limit Optional - VAV Discharge Airflow Sensor Failure Optional - Leaking Damper Optional - Low Discharge Air Temperature Optional - Leaking Reheat Valve Optional - Multi Zone Unexpected Temperature Decrease When Cold Deck Damper Is Closed Optional - Multi Zone Unexpected Temperature Increase When Hot Deck Damper Is Closed Optional - Zone Temperature Heating Setpoint Is Higher Than Cooling Setpoint Optional - Minimum Airflow Setpoint Is Greater Than The Maximum Airflow Setpoint Optional

Sample Report

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