Synergy Reports Functionality

The Reports screen allows you to quickly see the configuration status of available reports for each building while providing the ability to enable or disable these reports. You should be on the Reports screen in Synergy for these directions.

Accessing the Reports Configuration Errors Pop-up Window

1. In the Reports screen, click the "Details" icon associated with the report you want to review configuration errors for.

2. The Additional Information pop-up window appears, which contains information related to configuration errors associated with the selected report.

3. Click the [Ok] button to close the window.

Note: Details can be viewed on both the Enabled and Disabled screen tabs.

Understanding the Reports Configuration Errors Pop-up Window Layout

The following information provides an overview of the various elements included in the Additional Information pop-up window.

Legend Screen Element Description
A Summary Information Provides report summary information; including building name, report status, report description, and associated equipment tagged
B Table Filter Used to filter and search the data displayed on the table
C Print Link Allows you to print the report configuration error list
D Asset Path Identifies the equipment Asset Path
E Error Message Displays messages identifying Report Configuration Errors
F Action Button Used to exit the window

The following illustration shows the location of each of the elements listed in the preceding table.

Sorting the Report Configuration Errors Table

To help you quickly find desired configuration errors, you can sort the report configuration error table. by Asset Path. To do that, click the arrow next to the Asset Path category name. An upward-point arrow sorts the list in ascending order while a downward-pointing arrow sorts the list in descending order.

Searching for Report Configuration Errors by Asset Path

If not already selected, click the "Details" button for the report you are trying to configure.

1. Click the "Asset Path" search bar and type or copy and paste the desired search term. The [Apply Filter] button becomes active. 

2. Click the [Apply Filter] button. The table is filtered based on your search input.

Note: To return to the default table view, click the "x" icon in the "Asset Path" search bar and then click the [Apply Filter] button.

Printing Report Configuration Errors

1. Click the "Print" link in the right-hand corner of the pop-up. Your computer system's default printer dialog box appears.

2. Select the appropriate printing parameters and click the [Print] button.

Note: Based on your computer system's make and related software, the printer dialog bac and associated parameters may be different than what is depicted in the following figure.

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