Reports Functionality

The following information defines how to view and download reports from Fusion. The Reports Overview screen gives you a quick view of the status for each building and allows a detailed breakdown of equipment operations.

Viewing a Report

1. While in Fusion, click "Reports" in the side navigation menu. You will be taken to the Reports Overview screen.

2. Click the "View Reports Library" button for the building that you would like to view reports. A table will appear with the Enabled Reports for the building.

Note: The above step is for customers with multiple buildings. Customers with a single building will be brought straight to the building's Reports Library page.

3. Click the "Interactive Report" icon in the Actions column that is associated with the report you want to view.

4. Use the breadcrumbs at the top of the screen to navigate back to the Building Library.

Note: Reports are managed, and can also be viewed in the Reports screen of Synergy.

Downloading a Report

1. In the Reports Library screen, click the "Download" icon in the Actions column associated with the report you want to download.

2. The report is downloaded as a PDF and is now available for viewing by clicking the download at the bottom of your screen. The report will open in a new browser window. 

3. To print reports from Fusion - open the downloaded PDF in a window and use the browser menu to access the print function.

Note: Reports can also be downloaded by clicking the "Download" button in the Interactive Report.

Sorting the Reports Table

To help you quickly find desired reports, you can sort the Reports Table by category.

1. Return to the Reports Library screen in Fusion.

2. Select the category (column heading) you want to sort and click the arrow next to the category name. An upward-pointing arrow sorts the list in ascending order while a downward-pointing arrow sorts the list in descending order.

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