AHU Operations Report


This report scores single duct and dual duct air handling units (AHUs) of constant and variable air volume control based on the equipment's ability to maintain assigned setpoints from the building automation system. The amount of time that the measured metrics are outside of the allotted variance is denoted as deficient operation along with potential root causes for the variance.

Intent of Report

The intent of this report is to showcase how often AHUs meet assigned setpoints with regard to temperature and pressure. As the key performance indicators (KPIs) vary from their respective setpoints, the deficiencies are quantified in terms of the amount of time outside the allotted variance. 

Additional metrics inform the unit's ability to maintain the setpoints assigned to it by denoting how often heating and cooling valves are commanded to maintain DaTemp at assigned setpoint and how often the discharge air fan speed is greater than 95% of its maximum speed to maintain DaPressSp (when available).

The report provides RootCause analysis based on available KPIs and rule outputs to help direct technicians to possible issues within the equipment. 


The AHU equipment type must include the following input points and rules to appear on the report. 

  • DaTemp and DaTempSp or ColdDeckTemp, HotDeckTemp, ColdDeckTempSp, and HotDeckTempSp
  • Rule and Rule or Rule, Rule, Rule, and Rule

Primary Metrics

Key metrics in evaluating the operation of the equipment within the report. 

  • DaTemp and DaTempSp
    • Percent of time less than or greater than the setpoint

Secondary Metrics

Accessory data points are used to fine-tune performance or operation deficiency metrics, informing the RootCause analysis.

  • DaPressand DaPressSp
    • Percentage of time is less than or greater than the setpoint
  • ClgCmd
    • Percent time commanded to us less than 1% or greater than 90% open
  • Fan Speed
    • Percent time commanded to is greater than 95% of maximum
  • OA Damper
    • Percent time commanded to is greater than 20% open
  • HtgCmd
    • Percent time commanded to is greater than 5%

Scored KPIs

  • Discharge air Temp vs Discharge air temp setpoint (60% of the ROS)
    • Based on how far a unit is from setpoint
  • Duct Static Pressure vs Duct Static Pressure (40% of the ROS)
    • Based on how far a unit is from setpoint

Input Points

To appear in a report, each piece of equipment of the appropriate type and with the appropriate equipment tag constraints, must have at least one input point. There are two general categories of input points. 

Standard Input Points

A standard input point is typically a proxy point with time series data that is retrieved at regular intervals from a remote data source such as Niagara using a Resolute Connector. Below are the Standard Input Points for the AHU Operations Report. 

Name Positional Requirements  Optionality
ClgCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
ColdDeckTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional is DaTemp and DaTempSp are available
ColdDeckTempSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional is DaTemp and DaTempSp are available
DaFanSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
DaFanSts The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
DaPress The point must be a direct child of the parent AHU of the equipment Optional
DaPressSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment.  Optional
DaTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment.  Optional if ColdDeckTemp, ColdDeckTempSp, HotDeckTemp, and HotDeckTempSp are available
DaTempSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if ColdDeckTemp, ColdDeckTempSp, HotDeckTemp, and HotDeckTempSp are available
HotDeckTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if DaTemp and DaTempSp are available
HotDeckTempSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if DaTemp and DaTempSp are available
HtgCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
OaDmprCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment. Optional

Rule Input Points

A rule input point is the output of a rule applied to a given piece of equipment. It is a time series representing the presence or absence of a given fault condition. Below are the Rule Input Points for the AHU Operations Report.

Rule Name Optionality - AHU Simultaneous Heating and Cooling Optional - Outside Air Damper Position is Greater Than Minimum Setpoint During Heating Mode Optional - Outside Airflow is Greater Than Minimum Setpoint During Heating Mode Optional - Outside Air Damper Position is Greater Than Minimum Setpoint During Mechanical Cooling Mode Optional - Outside Airflow is Greater Than Minimum Setpoint During Mechanical Cooling Mode Optional - Percent Outside Air Calculated Is Greater Than Outside Air Damper Command Optional - Outside Air Fraction is Too High Compared to Minimum Outside Airflow Setpoint Optional - Discharge Air Temperature Sensor Failure Optional - Mixed Air Temperature Sensor Failure Optional - Return Air Temperature Sensor Failure Optional - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Failure Optional - Discharge Air Pressure Sensor Failure Optional - Discharge Air Fan VFD Invariant Optional - Discharge Air Fan VFD Invariant Optional - Discharge Fan Static Pressure Is Greater Than Setpoint Optional - Discharge Fan Static Pressure Is Less Than Setpoint Optional - Fan Status Off When Commanded On Optional - Fan Status On When Commanded Off Optional - Discharge Air Temperature Is Greater Than Setpoint Optional if rules,,, and are available - Hot Deck Air Temperature Is Greater Than Setpoint Optional if rules and are available - Cold Deck Air Temperature Is Greater Than Setpoint Optional if rules and are available - Discharge Air Temperature Is Less Than Setpoint Optional if rules,,, and are available - Hot Deck Air Temperature Is Less Than Setpoint Optional if rules and are available - Cold Deck Air Temperature Is Less Than Setpoint Optional - Unexpected Temperature Decrease Across Cooling Coil Optional - Unexpected Temperature Increase Across Heating Coil Optional - Low Temperature Differential Across Cooling Coil Optional - Low Temperature Differential Across Heating Coil Optional - Hot Deck Temperature Not Rising In Temperature With Heating Command On Optional - Cold Deck Temperature Not Dropping In Temperature With Cooling Command On Optional

Sample Report

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