AHU Economizer Performance Report


This report evaluates Air Handling Unit (AHU) economizer operation (free cooling), outside airflow, and provides a score based on the effectiveness of both. Fault conditions contributing to the score are:

  • Weather conditions permit free cooling but it is not being fully utilized.
  • Excessive outside air is entering the building resulting in additional heating and cooling.

A relative cost is calculated to project the impact of these conditions.

Intent of Report

This report intends to identify improper economizer operations. The focus is on whether the economizer is not maximized (i.e. mechanical cooling is being utilized when it's more advantageous to the economizer) or when there is excess ventilation when it is not advantageous to economize.


The AHU equipment type must include the following input points to appear on the report. 

  • OaHumidity and OaTemp or OffPremWeatherStation Humidity and OffPremWeatherStation Temp
  •  DaFlow and OaFlow or MaTemp and RaTemp or OaDmprCmd
  • OaFlowMinSp and DaFlow or OaDmprMinPosSp
  • At least one ColdDeckTempSp, ColdDeckTemp, DaTempSp, DaTemp

Primary Metrics

Key metrics in evaluating the operation of the equipment within the report.

  • Hours economizer is not maximized
  • Hours of excess ventilation
  • Cost impact

Scored KPIs

  • Additional cooling costs for not maximizing economizer.
  • Additional heating and cooling costs for running in economizer when not advantageous.

Input Points

To appear in a report, each piece of equipment of the appropriate type and with the appropriate equipment tag constraints, must have at least one input point. 

Standard Points

A standard input point is typically a proxy point with time-series data that is retrieved at regular intervals from a remote data source such as Niagara using a Resolute Connector. Below are the Standard Input Points for the AHU Economizer Performance Report. 

Name Positional Requirements Optionality
DaFanSts The point must be a direct child of the equipment Mandatory
ClgCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment Mandatory
ColdDeckTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if ColdDeckTempSp, DaTempSp, or DaTemp are available
ColdDeckTempSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if ColdDeckTemp, DaTempSp, or DaTemp are available
DaFlow The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if MaTemp and RaTemp or OaDmprCmd are available
DaTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if ColdDeckTempSp, ColdDeckTemp, or DaTempSp are available
DaTempSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if ColdDeckTempSp, ColdDeckTemp, or DaTemp are available
EconMode The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
HtgCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
MaTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if DaFlow and OaFlow or OaDmprCmd are available
OaDmprCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if DaFlow and OaFlow or MaTemp and RaTemp are available
OaDmprMinPosSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if OaFlowMinSp and DaFlow are available
OaFlow The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if MaTemp and RaTemp or OaDmprCmd are available
OaFlowMinSp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if OaDmprMinPosSp is available
OaHumidity The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if OffPremWeatherStation Humidity and OffPremWeatherStation Temp are available
OaTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if OffPremWeatherStation Humidity and OffPremWeatherStation Temp are available
OffPremWeatherStation The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional if OaHumidity and OaTemp are available
RaHumidity The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
RaTemp The point must be the direct child of the equipment Optional if DaFlow and OaFlow or OaDmprCmd are available

Sample Report

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