OR Performance Report


This report identifies Operating Rooms (ORs) being served by Variable Air Volume boxes (VAVs) that will be evaluated and scored for compliance based on the ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2017 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities. 

Intent of Report

This report intends to focus on how well OR mechanical systems meet design requirements without using excess energy. It focuses on how well temperature, pressure, airflow, and ventilation function without exceeding code requirements. 


The VAV equipment type must include the following input points to appear on the report. 

  • ZoneTemp
  • ZoneAirChangeRateTotal
  • Occ

Primary Metrics

Key metrics in evaluating the operation of the equipment within the report. 

  • ZoneTemp average vs. code required setpoint
  • ZonePressure average vs. code required setpoint
  • Occupied Zone ACH Total vs. code required setpoint
  • Unoccupied Zone ACH Total vs. code required setpoint
  • Zone ACH OaFlow vs. code required setpoint

Input Points

To appear in a report, each piece of equipment of the appropriate type and with the appropriate equipment tag constraints must have at least one input point. 

Standard Input Points

A standard input point is typically a proxy point with time-series data that is retrieved at regular time intervals from a remote data source such as Niagara using a Resolute Connector. Below are the Standard Input Points from the OR Performance Report. 

Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality
Occ The point must be a direct child of the equipment Mandatory
ZoneAirChangeRateTotal The point must be a direct child of the equipment Mandatory
ZoneTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment Mandatory
EconMode The point must be a direct child of the parent AHU equipment Optional
OaTemp The point must be a direct child of the parent AHU equipment Optional
ZonePress The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional
ZoneAirChangeRateOa The point must be a direct child of the equipment Optional

Sample Report

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