Point Mapping Functionality

Point mapping functionality allows you to map, unmap, or ignore points while using synchronous jobs. You will be notified when jobs are completed. You should be on the Point Mapper screen of Synergy for these directions.

Point Mapping Overview

Points are mapped based on their Metric IDs, which are correlated to the Niagara ORD. Make sure to map all points associated with the same piece of equipment to the same folder, this allows you to use the bulk tagging feature. For more information on which points can be tagged and applied to Rules, refer to the Point Reference document. It is not necessary to tag all points, some may be ignored.

The following table defines each hierarchy option used in the Unmapped screen and its purpose.     

Option  Purpose
{*} Used for wildcards 
{building} Used to identify a building name
{subBuilding} Used to identify a sub-building name
{floor} Used to identify a floor name
{equipment} Used to identify an equipment type name
{point} Used to identify a point name

In the Unmapped Screen, select “Map Points” from the Operation toggleand use the search bar to view the hierarchy options for mapping each point.

The following figure provides an example of replacing Metric ID nodes with mapping identifiers.

By replacing “Bldg1” with “{building}”, “AHU1” with “{equipment}”, and “SupplyFanSts” with “{point}”, the above point will map to the following hierarchy.

Mapping Unmapped Points

1. Click the “Unmapped” tab.

2. Select “Map Points” from the Operation toggle.

3. In the “Metric ID” column, double-click a Metric ID associated with a point you want to map. The Metric ID appears in the search bar.

4. Replace the Metric ID identifiers in the search bar as appropriate by double-clicking the identifier you would like to change to open the dropdown menu.  The [Apply] button becomes active.

FIN Connectors have one unique identifier in each point, use the click-and-drag function to select rather than double-clicking. Once the entire identifier is selected, change it to a Wildcard {*}. Map remaining Metric IDs following the hierarchy described above.




KMC Commander connectors will have two of these unique identifiers, both should be changed to a Wildcard {*} using the click-and-drag method. Map remaining Metric ID’s following the hierarchy described above.




Note: To map a point, the {building} and {point} must be applied.

5. Use the Building selector and Optional Filters to narrow point results if necessary. Click the [Apply] button.

6. Click the [Map Points] button. The selected points are now mapped as specified and appear in the Mapped tab.

7. Use the "Clear Filter" button to map another set of points. Repeat steps 3-7 until all the required points have been mapped.

Ignoring Unmapped Points

1. Click the “Unmapped” tab.

2. Select “Ignore Points” from the Operation toggle.

3. Select individual points to ignore by clicking the checkbox next to the associated Metric IDs or select all the points to be ignored by clicking the checkbox next to the “Metric ID” column heading. The [Ignore Points] button becomes active. 

Note: To deselect all points, click the Select checkbox next to the "Metric ID" column heading.

4. Click the [Ignore Points] button. The selected points are now ignored and appear in the Ignored tab.

Ignoring Mapped Points

1. Click the “Mapped” tab.

2. Select individual points to ignore by clicking the checkbox next to the associated Metric IDs or select all the points to be ignored by clicking the checkbox next to the “Metric ID” column heading. The [Ignore Points] button becomes active. 

Note: To deselect all points, click the Select checkbox next to the "Metric ID" column.

3. Click the [Ignore Points] button. The selected points are now ignored and appear in the Ignored tab.

Unmapping Points

1. Click the “Mapped” tab.

2. Select individual points to unmap by clicking the checkbox next to the associated Metric IDs or select all the points to be unmapped by clicking the checkbox next to the “Metric ID” column heading. The [Unmap Points] button becomes active. 

Note: To deselect all points, click the Select checkbox next to the "Metric ID" column.

3. Click the [Unmap Points] button. The selected points are now unmapped and appear in the Unmapped tab.

Accessing and Updating Individual Point Parameters

The Mapped Point screen can also be used to access the Site Editor for each point. This allows you to update individual point parameters.

1. Click the “Mapped” tab.

2. Locate the Point in the Asset Path column with the parameters you would like to edit and click the Asset Path.

3. After clicking on the Asset Path, you will be taken to the Site Editor screen where you can reset, delete and update associated parameters such as Display Name, Unit Designation, and Point Templates.

Note: You can also use this screen to ignore this point by clicking the "Ignore Point" button at the top of the Site Editor panel.

4. To return to the Mapped Points screen, click the “Return to previous page” button at the top of the Site Editor screen.

Unignoring Points

1. Click the “Ignored” tab.

2. Select individual points to unignore by clicking the checkbox next to the associated Metric IDs or select all the points to be unignored by clicking the checkbox next to the “Metric ID” column heading. The [Unignore Points] button becomes active. 

Note: To deselect all points, click the Select checkbox next to the "Metric ID" column.

3. Click the [Unignore Points] button. The selected points are now unignored and appear in the Unmapped tab.

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