Computed Points Audit Functionality

The Computed Points Audit screen allows you to quickly see the overall status of all your Computed Points with the ability to access and update individual Computed Point parameters. screen allows you to quickly see the overall status of all your Computed Points with the ability to access and update individual Computed Point parameters.

The Status Indicator bar represents a color-coding visual scheme, as defined below, to identify Computed Point statuses in the table. 

Accessing and Updating Individual Computed Point Parameters

1. Click the arrow icon associated with a piece of equipment in the “Asset” column.

2. The table row expands to display the Input Point, Asset Path, and Last Emit for that particular Computed Point instance. To edit the parameters associated with this Computed Point instance, click the Asset Path in the expanded row.

3. After clicking on the Asset Path, you will be taken to the Site Editor screen where you can reset, delete and update associated parameters such as Display Name, Unit Designation, and Point Templates.

Note: You can also use this screen to ignore this point by clicking the "Ignore Point" button at the top of the Site Editor panel.

4. To return to the Computed Points Audit screen, click the “Return to previous page” button at the top of the Site Editor screen.

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