Sustainability Dashboards

Features within Resolute Synergy and Fusion allow users to create sustainability metrics to compare data within a wide range of timelines. 

Accessing the Custom Dashboards Screen

Custom Dashboards functionality allows you to create and configure Summary and Standard Dashboards that are available to view in Fusion. 

1. Log in to Synergy through the Resolute Login Portal using the credentials established during account setup or by clicking the [Sign in with Google] button. The Home screen will appear, which lists all the created customers. 

2. On the Home screen, click the configuration button associated with the customer you would like to create Custom Dashboards for. You will be taken to the Site Editor screen.

3. Click the Custom Dashboards icon in the side navigation menu, and you will be taken to the Custom Dashboards screen.

Creating a Standard Dashboard

Standard Dashboards display a wide range of data sets using different widgets. The following directions will describe the steps to create a Standard Dashboard that displays the widgets with Sustainability Metrics.

1. Click [Create New Standard Dashboard] on the Custom Dashboards home page. 

2. In the "New Dashboard" dialog box, type a sustainability title and an optional description.

3. Under the Summary dashboard, select "Visible" or "Hidden".

4. Under "Dashboard User Visibility" select which users will be able to view the dashboard.  

5. Click [Create].

Creating an Electric Consumption Widget

Electric Consumption widgets show the current days usage in kWh as well as the current demand in kW. The following directions assume a Standard Dashboard has already been created. 

1. Click the [Configure] button on the dashboard tile for which you would like to add an Electric Consumption Widget. 

2. The Dashboard Builder screen will appear. Drag and drop the Gauge widget from the menu onto an empty tile to begin configuration.

3. In the Widget Properties pane type "(Building Name) Electric Consumption" in the title and an optional description. 

4. Click the [Select Point] button in the Speedometer Point section.

5. The Point Selector pop-up will appear. Navigate to the building's electric meter and select the electric current value point from the list. Click [Select Points].

Note: If the point is not displayed, visit the unmapped tab on the Point Mapper page to tag the required point.

6. Select "kW" from the Appended Unit dropdown list. 

7. Click the [Select Point] button in the Odometer Point section.

8. The Point Selector pop-up will appear. Navigate to the building's electric meter and select the electric consumption point from the list. Click [Select Points].

Note: If the point is not displayed, visit the unmapped tab on the Point Mapper page to tag the required point.

9. Select "kWh" from the Appended Unit dropdown list. 

10. In the Range section, add the Min and Max value for the building's electric usage.

11. Click [Add Ranges].

12. In the Label textbox type Low, Average, or High.

13. Click the color input and select a coordinating color from the display. 

14. Type a Start and End Value.

15. Click [Add Ranges] to create a new label entry. 

16. Repeat steps 12-15 until the three gauge labels have been created, click [Update Widget]. The Gauge will be displayed in the Sustainability Dashboard Builder. 

Creating a Gas Consumption Widget

Gas Consumption widgets show the current days usage in MCF and the current demand in CFM. The following directions assume a Standard Dashboard has already been set up to display the Gas Consumption Widget. 

1. Click the [Configure] button on the Sustainability tile for which you would like to add an Electric Consumption Widget. 

2. The Dashboard Builder screen will appear. Drag and drop the Gauge widget from the menu onto an empty tile to begin configuration.

3. In the Widget Properties pane, type "(Building Name) Gas Consumption" in the title textbox and an optional description.

4. Click the [Select Point] button in the Speedometer Point section.

5. The Point Selector pop-up will appear. Navigate to the building's gas meter and select the gas current value point from the list. Click [Select Points].

Note: If the point is not displayed, visit the unmapped tab on the Point Mapper page to tag the required point.

6. Select "Cfm" from the Appended Unit dropdown list. 

7. Click the [Select Point] button in the Odometer Point section.

8. The Point Selector pop-up will appear. Navigate to the building's gas meter and select the gas consumption point from the list. Click [Select Points].

Note: If the point is not displayed, visit the unmapped tab on the Point Mapper page to tag the required point.

9. Select "Mcf" from the Appended Unit dropdown list. 

10. In the Range section, add the Min and Max value for the building's gas usage.

11. Click [Add Ranges].

12. In the Label textbox type Low, Average, or High.

13. Click the color input and select a coordinating color from the display. 

14. Type a Start and End Value. 

15. Click [Add Ranges] to create a new label entry. 

16. Repeat steps 11-15 until the three gauge labels have been created, and click [Update Widget]. The Gauge will be displayed in the Sustainability Dashboard Builder. 

Creating a Water Consumption Widget

Water Consumption widgets show the current days usage in gal with the current demand displayed in gpm. The following directions assume a Standard Dashboard has already been set up to display the Water Consumption Widget.

1. Click the [Configure] button on the Sustainability tile for which you would like to add a Water Consumption Widget. 

2. The Dashboard Builder screen will appear. Drag and drop the Gauge widget from the menu onto an empty tile to begin configuration.

3. In the Widget Properties pane, type "(Building Name) Water Consumption" in the title textbox and an optional description.

4. Click the [Select Point] button in the Speedometer Point Section.

5. The Point Selector pop-up will appear. Navigate to the building's water meter and select the water current value point from the list. Click [Select Points].

Note: If the point is not displayed, visit the unmapped tab on the Point Mapper page to tag the required point.

6. Select "gpm" from the Appended Unit dropdown list. 

7. Click the [Select Point] button in the Odometer Point section.

8. The Point Selector pop-up will appear. Navigate to the building's water meter and select the water consumption point from the list. Click [Select Points].

Note: If the point is not displayed, visit the unmapped tab on the Point Mapper page to tag the required point.

9. Select "gal" from the Appended Unit dropdown list. 

10. In the Range section, add the Min and Max value for the building

11. Click [Add Ranges].

12. In the Label textbox type Low, Average, or High.

13. Click the color input and select a coordinating color from the display.

14. Type a Start and End value. 

15. Click [Add Ranges] to create a new label entry. 

16. Repeat steps 12-15 until the three gauge labels have been created, click [Update Widget]. The Gauge will be displayed in the Sustainability Dashboard Builder. 

Creating a Carbon Dioxide Equivalency Widget

This bar chart will display the carbon dioxide equivalency for electric and gas usage of a building. All conversion factors below have been taken from the EPA's greenhouse gas equivalency calculator.

1. Navigate to the Synergy Site Editor page to add the two required carbon points. 

2. Use the Asset Tree to select the building's Meter Asset. 

3. Click the [Add Custom Point] button in the Asset tab.

4. The "Create Custom Point" pop-up will appear. Select the Calculated Point option and click [Continue].

5. Type "Electric Carbon Use" in the display name textbox.

6. In the Formula Text enter: max( meterdelta($1), 0)*1.56

7. Select the kWH point from the Variables Asset list. Click the [Add Variable(s)] button. 

8. Click the [Create] button to add the point to the asset. 

9. Another point will be created for Gas Carbon Use. Use the Asset tree to navigate back to the Building Gas Meter.

10. Click the [Add Custom Point] button in the Asset tab.

11. The "Create Custom Point" pop-up will appear. Select the Calculated Point option and click [Continue].

12. Type "Gas Carbon Use" in the Display Name textbox.

13. In the Formula Text enter: max( meterdelta($1), 0)*121.5

14. Select the gas meter "cfm" point from the Variable Asset list. Click the [Add Variable(s)] button.

15. Click the [Create] button to add the point to the asset. 

16. Return to the Custom Dashboards screen and click the [Configure] button for the Sustainability Dashboard.

17. Drag and drop the Bar Chart widget onto an empty tile to begin configuration. 

18. In the Title textbox type "Carbon Dioxide Equivalency".

19. Click the [Edit Points List] button.

20. The Point Selector pop-up will appear. Select the two newly created carbon points from the Asset list. Then click [Select Points].

21. Use the Unit dropdown menu to select "lb".

22. Click the [Update Widget] button. The bar chart will be displayed on the Dashboard Builder screen. 

Viewing Sustainability Dashboards in Fusion

1. While in Synergy Custom Dashboards, confirm the Fusion Visibility toggle is turned on for the dashboard you would like to view in Fusion.

2. Navigate to Resolute Fusion by clicking the Fusion button in the top right corner of Synergy.

3. Use the side navigation panel to access the Custom Dashboards screen. 

4. Any created Summary Dashboards will be displayed at the top of the screen, scroll down to display Standard Dashboards. If more than one Standard Dashboard has been created, click the dropdown menu to select the Sustainability Dashboard. 

Note: If no other dashboards have been created, the Sustainability Dashboard will be displayed at the top of the screen.

5. The Sustainability Dashboard will be displayed in Fusion. Navigate to Synergy to make any changes or updates to the widgets. 

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