Parent and Metadata Tagging Functionality

The Parent and Metadata Tagging tab in Equipment Tagging is used to further refine equipment data to allow the most complete Reports to be generated. Parent Relationships are assigned to terminal units after the equipment has been tagged. Equipment Metadata tags are used to allow the correct rules to be applied to those specific types of equipment. The following directions assume you are on the Equipment Tagging screen of Synergy, with the Parent & Metadata Tagging tab selected and equipment types tagged. 

Applying Parent Equipment

Before performing the following steps, set the Parent filter to “Unspecified”.

1. Click a cell in the “Parent (airside)” column associated with the piece of equipment you want to tag and click the desired parent type. The [Apply Changes] button becomes active.

2. Click the [Apply Changes] button. The individual piece of equipment is now associated with your selection.

Bulk Applying Parent Equipment

Before performing the following steps, set the Parent filter to “Unspecified”.

1. Use the search and filter bar to narrow the table results based on the desired pieces of equipment you want to associate with a parent equipment. The [Apply Filter] button becomes active.

2. Click the [Apply Filter] button. The table is filtered based on your search query.

3. Click the dropdown menu directly beneath the “Parent (airside)” column header and click the desired parent equipment. The [Apply Changes] button becomes active.

4. Click the [Apply Changes] button. All the filtered equipment listed in the table is now associated with your selection.

Applying Individual Equipment Metadata Tags

1. Use the search and filter bar to narrow the table results based on the desired pieces of equipment you would like to apply Metadata tags to. The [Apply Filter] button becomes active.

Note: Metadata tags can only be applied to assets that have an equipment type tagged. Parent equipment is optional for Metadata tagging.

2. Click the [Apply Filter] button. The table is filtered based on your search query.

3. Navigate to the equipment you would like to assign Metadata tags to, and click the "Edit" button.

4. The Metadata Tags pop-up will appear, use the checkboxes and dropdown menus to select the tags to apply. Click the [Update] button.

Note: Menu options will depend on the type of equipment that is selected. Visit the Equipment Metadata Tags Reference Guide for more information on the available Metadata tags.

5. The selected tags will appear in the Metadata Tags column, click the [Apply Changes] button. The Metadata tags will be applied to the Equipment. 

Bulk Applying Equipment Metadata Tags

1. Use the search and filter bar to narrow the table results based on the desired pieces of equipment you would like to apply Metadata tags to. The [Apply Filter] button becomes active.

Note: To bulk apply Metadata tags, the Equipment Type filter must be applied.

2. Click the [Apply Filter] button. The table is filtered based on your search query.

3. Click the [Bulk Apply Metadata Tags] button. 

4. The Metadata Tags pop-up will appear, use the checkboxes and dropdown menus to select the tags to bulk apply. Click the [Update] button.

Note: Menu options will depend on the type of equipment that is selected. Visit the Equipment Metadata Tags Reference Guide for more information on the available Metadata tags.

5. The selected tags will appear in the Metadata Tags column, click the [Apply Changes] button. The Metadata Tags will be applied to the equipment. 

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