- AHU Rules - Hot Deck Temperature Not Rising In Temperature With Heating Command On


There is no increase in temperature across the heating coil with the valve open or heating command on, indicating the heating valve is not opening or no heating available. This will lead to increased comfort complaints. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Da Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Hot Deck Temperature Hot Deck Temp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temp MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Threshold Numeric 5 This number is the filter mixed air temp threshold. The mixed air temp plus this threshold must be equal to or greater than the cold deck temperature for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Valve Threshold Numeric 5 This number is the heating command valve threshold. The heating command must be greater than this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Cold Deck Temperature Not Dropping in Temperature With Cooling Command On


There is no decrease in temperature across the cooling coil with the valve open or cooling command on, indicating the cooling valve is not opening or no cooling available. This will lead to increased comfort complaints.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cold Deck Temperature ColdDeckTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temp MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Temperature Threshold Numeric 5
Open Valve Threshold Numeric 5 - Mixed Air Temperature Too Low; Should Be Between Outside and Return Air Temperatures


Mixed air temperature too low; should be between the outside air temperature and the return air temperature. One or more of the three temperature sensors are out of calibration

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temp MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Return Air Temperature RaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Mixed Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 5 Mixed air temperature error threshold. This constant must be less than return air temperature minus the return air temperature error threshold for a period longer than delay in order for a fault to exist.
Return Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 2 Return air temperature error threshold. The return air temperature minus this constant must be less than the mixed air temperature error threshold for a period longer than delay in order for a fault to exist.
Outside Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 5 Outside air temperature error threshold. The outside air temperature minus this constant must be less than mixed air temperature error threshold for a period longer than delay in order for a fault to exist. - Mixed Air Temperature Too High; Should Be Between Outside and Return Air Temperatures


Mixed air temperature is too high; should be between outside air temperature and return air temperature. One or more of the three temperature sensors are out of calibration. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu --




Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temp MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Return Air Temp RaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station. Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station. Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 5 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Mixed Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 5 Mixed air temperature error threshold. This constant must be greater than return air temperature minus the return air temperature error threshold for a period longer than delay in order for a fault to exist.
Return Air Temperature Error Treshold Numeric 2 Return air temperature error threshold. The return air temperature minus this constant must be less than the mixed air temperature error threshold for a period longer than delay in order for a fault to exist.
Outside Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 5 Outside air temperature error threshold. The outside air temperature minus this constant must be less than mixed air temperature error threshold for a period longer than delay in order for a fault to exist. - Discharge Air Temperature Too Low in Heating Mode


Discharge air temperature too low, when in the heating or morning warm up operating state. It should be higher than mixed air temperature. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu --




Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temp MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment the rule is attached to. Mandatory  Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position  OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This Point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Air Temperature Threshold Numeric 2 The discharge air temperature error threshold.
Mixed Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 5 The mixed air temperature error threshold. 
Supply Fan Temperature Rise Numeric 2 The supply fan temperature rise. 
Heating Command Numeric 0 The heating command threshold.
Cooling Command  Numeric 0 The cooling command threshold. - Discharge Air Temperature Too Low in Full Heating


Discharge air temperature too low in full heating during a heating operating state. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Air Temperature Error  Numeric 10 The discharge air temperature error threshold
Design Discharge Air Temperature Numeric 100 Design discharge air temperature. 
Maximum Heating Command  Numeric 99 The maximum heating command threshold.
Cooling Command  Numeric 0 The cooling command threshold. - Discharge and Mixed Air Temperature Should be Approximately Equal When Economizing


Discharge air temperature and mixed air temperature should be approximately equal, when in economizer mode. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temp MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Air Fan Temperature Rise Threshold Numeric 2 This discharge air fan temperature rise threshold.
Discharge Air Temperature Error  Numeric 2 The discharge air temperature error threshold.
Heating Command  Numeric 0 The heating command threshold.
Cooling Command  Numeric 0 The cooling command threshold.
Mixed Air Temperature Error Numeric 5 The mixed air temperature error threshold. - Outside Air Temperature Too High For Free Cooling Only


Outside air temperature too high for free cooling without additional mechanical cooling. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
DA Temp Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprMinPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This Point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional  Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOnPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Outside Air Temperature Threshold Numeric 2 The outside air temperature error threshold.
Discharge Air Fan Temperature Threshold Numeric 2 This discharge air fan temperature rise threshold.
Discharge Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 2 The discharge air temperature error threshold.
Heating Command Numeric 0 The heating command threshold.
Cooling Command Numeric 0 The cooling command threshold. - Outside and Mixed Air Temperature Should Be Approximately Equal During Mechanical Free Cooling Mode


Outside and mixed air temperature should be approximately equal during mechanical and free cooling mode.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu --




Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (singe or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temp MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point myst be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point myst be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point myst be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOnPremWS This point myst be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station. Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOffPremWS The point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station.  Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Outside Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 2 The outside air temperature error threshold.
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100 The outside air damper position threshold. 
Mixed Air Temperature Threshold Numeric 5 The mixed air temperature error threshold.
Heating Command Numeric 0 The heating command threshold.
Cooling Command Numeric 0 The heating command threshold. - Outside Air Temperature Too Low For 100 Percent Outside Air Cooling During Mechanical and Free Cooling


Outside air temperature too low for 100% outside air cooling during mechanical and free cooling. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu --




Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
DA Temp Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd The point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOnPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station.  Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is off prem at weather station.  Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Outside Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 2 The outside air temperature error threshold. 
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100 The outside air damper position threshold. 
Discharge Air Temperature Threshold Numeric 2 The discharge air temperature threshold. 
Discharge Air Fan Temperature Rise Threshold Numeric 2 The discharge air fan temperature rise threshold. 
Heating Command Numeric 0 The heating command threshold.
Cooling Command Numeric o The cooling command threshold. - Discharge Air Temperature Too High During Mechanical and/or Free Cooling


Discharge air temperature too high during mechanical and/or free cooling; should be less than mixed air temperature. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu --




Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temperature MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 2 This discharge air temperature threshold.
Discharge Air Fan Differential Temperature Treshold Numeric 2 The discharge air fan differential temperature threshold. 
Mixed Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 5 The mixed air temperature error threshold.
Heating Command Numeric 0 The heating command threshold.
Cooling Command Numeric o The cooling command threshold. 
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100 The outside air damper position threshold - Discharge Air Temperature too High in Full Cooling


Discharge air temperature too high during mechanical and/or free cooling; should be less than mixed air temperature. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu --




Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
DA Temp Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Point is on prem at weather station.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Air Temperature Threshold Numeric 2 This discharge air temperature threshold.
Heating Command Threshold Numeric 0 The heating command threshold.
Maximum Cooling Command Threshold Numeric o The maximum cooling command threshold. 
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100 The outside air damper position threshold - Cold Deck Temperature Sensor Failure


The temperature sensor point does not change by more than a tolerance of (0.01) or is outside the range (250 - -40).

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu --




Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Cold Deck Temperature ColdDeckTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the rules parent equipment Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Value Numeric 250 The high threshold. 
Minimum Value Numeric -40 The low threshold.
Variance Numeric 0.01 The variance threshold - Hot Deck Temperature Sensor Failure


The hot deck temperature sensor point does not change by more than a tolerance of (0.01) or is outside the range (250 - -40).

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Hot Deck Temperature HotDeckTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the rules parent equipment Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Value Numeric 250 The high threshold. 
Miniumum Value Numeric -40 The low threshold.
Variance Numeric 0.01 The variance threshold - Fan Status is Off While Unit Appears to be Operating


This rule would identify periods of time when the unit is indicated to be off, but the pressure, vfd speed, return fan status, or other feedback indicates the unit is actually operating. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- DaFlow || DaFanFreq || (DaPress & DaPressSp)

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Flow DaFlow This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Da Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Frequency (single or common) DaFanFreq This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
DA Pressure DaPress This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
DA Pressure Setpoint DaPressSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Discharge Airflow  Threshold Numeric 5000 The maximum discharge airflow threshold.
Discharge Airflow Threshold Numeric 20 The discharge airflow threshold. 
Minimum Fan Frequency  Numeric 0 The minimum fan frequency threshold. 
Discharge Air Pressure Percentage Error Numeric 20 The discharge air pressure percentage error. - Zone Temperature is Less Than Setpoint


The zone temperature is less than the zone temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control or mechanical issues. This will lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Zone Temperature Setpoint ZoneTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Effective Heating Setpoint EffHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Occupied Heating Setpoint OccHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Zone Temperature Threshold Numeric 1 - Zone Temperature is Greater Than Setpoint


The zone temperature is greater than the zone temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control of mechanical issues. This will lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Effective Cooling Setpoint EffCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature Setpoint ZoneTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Zone Temperature Threshold Numeric 1 - High Return Air Humidity


When the return air humidity is greater than its maximum error allowed while the unit is in operation.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Return Air Humidity RaHumidity This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Return Air Humidity Threshold Numeric 50
Return Air Humidity Error Threshold Numeric 1 - High Return Air CO2 levels


When the return air CO2 has a value greater than its maximum setting while the unit is in operation. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
 Return Air CO2 Setpoint RaCO2Sp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Return Air CO2 RaCO2 This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Return Air CO2 Level Error Threshold Numeric 100 - Low Return Air CO2 Levels


When the CO2 reading is abnormally low while the unit operation is not in economizer or purge mode. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Return Air CO2 RaCO2 This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Minimum CO2 Level Threshold Numeric 350
Maximum Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 90 - Supply Air Flow Reading When Unit is Off


When the supply air flow has a reading which is higher than its minimum setting while the unit is off. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Airflow DaFlow This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Airflow Threshold Numeric 0 - Chilled Water Valve Open While Unit is Off


The chilled water valve is open while the unit is off.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Commmand  ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. 

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 15 - Heating Control Valve Open While Unit is Off


The heating control valve is open while the unit is off.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rules attached to.  Mandatory  Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Heating Command Threshold  Numeric 10 - Return Air CO2 Sensor Failure


The CO2 level is outside of the limit or it does not change while the unit is operational.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Return Air CO2 RaCO2 This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
High Limit Threshold Numeric 5000
Low Limit Threshold Numeric 0
Variance Threshold Numeric 1 - Zone CO2 Sensor Failure


The CO2 level is outside of the limit or it does not change while the unit is operational. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Zone CO2 ZoneCO2 This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
DaFanSts Discharge Air Fan Status This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
High Limit Threshold Numeric 5000
Low Limit Threshold Numeric 0
Variance Threshold Numeric 1 - Discharge Air Fan VFD is Chronically at Full Speed


The discharge air fan's VFD operates consistently above a specific high percentage. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Speed DaFanSpd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Fan Speed Threshold Numeric 95 - Return Air Damper Command and Position Do Not Match


Return air damper command does not match return air damper position. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Proints

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Return Air Damper Position RaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Return Air Damper Command RaDmprCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Return Air Damper is Invariant During Free Cooling or Mechanical and Free Cooling Mode


The return air damper has not moved, when it should be moving. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Return Air Damper Position RaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be the direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature On Premise Weather Station OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the rule that the equipment is attached to.  Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature Off Premise Weather Station OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the rule that the equipment is attached to.  Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the rule that the equipment is attached to.  Optional Vector
Economizer Enable Outside Air Temperature Setpoint EconEnabOaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the rule that the equipment is attached to.  Optional Vector
Economizer Mode EconMode This point must be a direct child of the rule that the equipment is attached to.  Optional Vector

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Variance Threshold Numeric 1
Economizer Outside Air Temperature Setpoint Threshold Numeric 70
Heating Command Threshold Numeric 0
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 0 - Return Air Damper Fully Or Partially Closed When Unit is Off


The Return Air Damper is partially or fully closed, when the supply fan is off. The damper should be fully open when the unit is off. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Return Air Damper Position RaDmprsPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100 - Return Air Damper Should Be Fully Closed When Outside Air Damper is Fully Open During Mechanical and Free Cooling Mode


Return air damper should be fully closed when outside air damper is fully open during Mechanical and Free Cooling mode. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Return Air Damper Position RaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Heating Command Threshold Numeric 0
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 0
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100
Return Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 0 - Outside Air Damper Command and Position Do Not Match


The outside air damper command does not match the outside air damper position. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Outside Air Damper Command OaDmprCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Outside Air Damper is Invariant During Free Cooling or Mechanical and Free Cooling Mode


Outside air damper has not moved, when it should be moving during free cooling or mechanical and free cooling mode. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature On Premise Weather Station OaTempOnPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature Off Premise Weather Station OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Vector
Economizer Enable Outside Air Temperature Setpoint EconEnabOaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional
Economizer Mode EconMode This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Variance Threshold Numeric 1
Economizer Outside Air Temperature Setpoint Threshold Numeric 70
Heating Command Threshold Numeric 0
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 0 - Outside Air Damper Unable to Meet Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint When Outside Air Temperature is Low Enough


When the outside air damper is 100% and the outside air temperature is low enough to meet discharge air temperature setpoint, but it cannot meet setpoint. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature On Premise Weather Station OaTempOnPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature Off Premise Weather Station OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100
Temperature Threshold Numeric 10 - Mixed Air Damper Command and Position Do Not Match


Mixed air damper command does not match mixed air damper position.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Mixed Air Damper Command MaDmprCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Damper Position MaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. 

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Mixed Air Damper is Invariant During Free Cooling or Mechanical and Free Cooling Mode


The mixed air damper has not moved, when it should be moving during free cooling or mechanical and free cooling mode. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Mixed Air Damper Position MaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature On Premise Weather Station OaTempOnPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature Off Premise Weather Station OaTempOffPremWS This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Vector
Economizer Enable Outside Air Temperature Setpoint EconEnabOaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Vector
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional
Economizer Mode EconMode This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Variance Threshold Numeric 1
Economizer Outside Air Temperature Setpoint Threshold Numeric 70
Heating Command Treshold Numeric 0
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 0 - Mixed Air Damper Position is Greater Than Minimum Setpoint During Heating Mode


Excess outside air is being brought into the building. The mixed air damper position is greater than the minimum position setpoint during heating mode. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Mixed Air Damper Position MaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Vector

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 0
Heating Command Threshold Numeric 0
Mixed Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 0 Mixed Air Damper Position is Less Than The Minimum Damper Position Setpoint


A less amount of outside air is being brought into the building with the mixed air damper position less than the outside air damper minimum position setpoint. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Damper Position MaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Mixed Air Damper Open When Unit is Off


The mixed air damper is open to the outside air side and then supply fan is off, allowing air infiltration. The damper should be shut to the outside air when the unit is off. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Damper Position MaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. 

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Mixed Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 0 - Exhaust Air Damper Command and Position Do Not Match


The exhaust air damper command does not match the exhaust air damper position. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Exhaust Air Damper Command EaDmprCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Exhaust Air Damper Position  EaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Exhaust Air Damper Appears Not To Be Operating As Expected


The exhaust air damper has not operated as expected or has not moved, when it should be moving.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Return Air Fan Status RaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Building Static Pressure BldgPress This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Building Static Pressure Setpoint BldgPressSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Exhaust Air Damper Position EaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Return Air Damper Position RaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Building Pressure Error Threshold Numeric 0.01
Damper Position Offset Threshold Numeric 0 - Chilled Water Valve Command and Position Do Not Match


The chilled water valve command does not match chilled water valve position. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Chilled Water Valve Position ChWVlvPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Single Zone AHU Chilled Water Valve is Invariant During Free Cooling and Mechanical Cooling or Mechanical Cooling Mode


Chilled water valve has not moved, when it should be moving during free cooling and mechanical cooling or mechanical cooling mode and zone temperature is about the zone temperature setpoint. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Occupied Mode Occ This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Effective Cooling Setpoint EffCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature Setpoint ZoneTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Zone Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 2
Heating Command Threshold Numeric 0
Maximum Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 100
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 20
Variance Numeric 1 - AHU Chilled Water Valve is Invariant During Free Cooling and Mechanical Cooling or Mechanical Cooling Mode


The chilled water valve has not moved, when it should be moving during free cooling and mechanical cooling or mechanical cooling mode and discharge air temperature is above discharge air temperature setpoint.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Occupied Mode Occ This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature  DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Heating Command Threshold Numeric 0
Outside Air Damper Position Threshold Numeric 100
Discharge Air Temperature Threshold Numeric 2
Maximum Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 100
Variance Threshold Numeric 1 - Heating Command and Position Do Not Match


The heating command does not match heating position.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Heating Position HeatPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Single Zone AHU Heating Command is Invariant During Heating Mode


The heating command has not moved, when it should be moving during heating mode and zone temperature is below the zone temperature setpoint.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Occupied Mode Occ This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Effective Heating Setpoint EffHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Occupied Heating Setpoint OccHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Zone Temperature Setpoint  ZoneTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 0
Zone Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 2
Maximum Heating Command Threshold Numeric 100
Variance Threshold Numeric 1 - AHU Heating Command is Invariant During Heating Mode


Heating has not moved, when it should be moving during heating mode and zone temperature is below discharge air temperature.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Occupied Mode Occ This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position Minimum Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 0
Discharge Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 4
Maximum Heating Command Threshold Numeric 100
Variance Threshold Numeric 1 - Single Zone AHU Has Insufficient Cooling Capacity


When the single zone temperature is greater than a maximum error allowed and the cooling has been commanded to maximum cooling.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Effective Cooling Setpoint EffCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature Setpoint ZoneTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Zone Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 1
Maximum Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 100 - AHU Has Insufficient Cooling Capacity


When the discharge air temperature is greater than a maximum error allowed and the cooling has been commanded to maximum cooling. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Zone Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 4
Maximum Cooling Command Threshold Numeric 100 - Single Zone AHU Has Insufficient Heating Capacity


When the zone temperature is greater than a maximum error allowed and the heating valve has been commanded to the maximum heating. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Effective Heating Setpoint EffHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Occupied Heating Setpoint OccHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Zone Temperature Setpoint ZoneTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Heating Command Threshold Numeric 100
Zone Temperature Error  Threshold Numeric 2 - AHU Has Insufficient Heat Capacity


When the discharge air temperature is greater than the maximum error allowed and the heating valve has been commanded to maximum heating. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Air Temperature Error Threshold Numeric 4
Maximum Heating Command Threshold Numeric 100
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