Rules Data Segmentation

Synergy allows you to segment data into logical groupings to make Rules application and updating faster and more efficient. The following information defines how to use the search and filter functionality to segment Rules data. You should be on the Rules screen of Synergy for these directions.

Note: The filter and search instructions included in this section apply to the Disabled. Enabled, and Prospects screens.

Searching by Asset Path

1. Click the appropriate "Rules" screen tab.

2. Click the "Search Asset Path" search bar and type or copy and paste the desired Asset Path. The [Apply Filter] button becomes active.

Note: If you do copy and paste a node path into the "Search Asset Path" search bar, make sure there are no spaces before or after the entry.

3. Click the [Apply Filter] button. The table is filtered based on your search input.

Using Search Bar Wildcards

You can use wildcards in your searches to further define your search criteria. The asterisk symbol (*) is the wildcard identifier and replaces parts of an asset path or display name in searches. 

  • Using a wildcard at the beginning will return all asset paths that end with the search term.
  • Using a wildcard at the end will return all asset paths that begin with the search term.
  • Using a wildcard at both the start and end will return all asset paths that contain the search term.
  • Using a wildcard between search terms will return all asset paths that contain the search term between wildcards (Example: *flr_1*chlrPlant*chlr*).

Filtering by Asset Type

1. Click the appropriate "Rules" screen tab.

2. Click the “Asset Type” filter dropdown and, in the list, click the desired type to filter by. The [Apply Filter] button becomes active.

3. Click the [Apply Filter] button. The table is filtered based on your selection.

Note: Selecting an Asset Type will filter exclusively on those Rule Templates associated with that Asset Type.

Filtering by Rule Template

1. Click the appropriate "Rules" screen tab.

2. Click the “Rule” filter dropdown and, in the list, click the desired rule template to filter by. The [Apply Filter] button becomes active.

3. Click the [Apply Filter] button. The table is filtered based on your selection.

Note: When selecting a Rule Template for filtering, equipment type will be automatically selected.

Sorting Rules Tables

To help you quickly find desired rules data, you can sort rules tables by category.

1. Click the appropriate "Rules" screen tab.

2. Select the category (column heading) on which you want to sort and click the arrow next to the category name. An upward-pointing arrow sorts the list in ascending order while a downward-pointing arrow sorts the list in descending order.

Returning to the Default Table View

To return to the default table view after you have segmented the data, click the “Clear Filter” link in the filter bar.

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