- AHU Rules - Fan Status Off When Commanded On


The fan status is 'Off' but the fan is commanded 'On'.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Command (open/closed) DaFanCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the fan must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. Fan Status On When Commanded Off


The fan status is 'On' but is commanded 'Off'.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Command (open/closed) DaFanCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the fan must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Unoccupied Zone Temperature Cooling Setpoint Too Low


The unoccupied cooling setpoint is too low. ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - 2016 Section Setback Controls requires the unoccupied cooling setpoint to be no less than 5ºF higher than the occupied cooling setpoint.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint  UnoccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint Threshold Numeric 5
Occupied Cooling High Limit Temperature Setpoint Threshold Numeric 82 - Unoccupied Zone Temperature Heating Setpoint Too High


The unoccupied heating setpoint is too high. ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - 2016 Section Setback Controls requires the unoccupied heating setpoint to be no greater than 10ºF lower than the occupied heating setpoint. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint  UnoccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint Threshold Numeric 10
Occupied Heating High Limit Temperature Setpoint Threshold Numeric 67 - Discharge Air Static Pressure Setpoint Can Be Decreased (Reset)


Most of the VAV box damper positions are less than a high damper limit, indicating an opportunity to decrease fan static pressure. Fan static pressure reset is required by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - Section VAV Set-Point Reset.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
VAV Damper Position DmprCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Percent of VAV’s Required Numeric 90 This number is the percentage of VAV damper positions served by the AHU that is required.  If most (percentage of VAV’s required) of the VAV damper positions (DmprCmd's) of the VAV’s served by the AHU are less than the high damper limit for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
High Damper Limit Numeric 90 This number (as a percentage) is the maximum damper limit.  damper positions threshold. If most (percentage of VAV’s required) of the VAV damper positions (DmprCmd's) of the VAV’s served by the AHU are less than the high damper limit for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. Operating During Unoccupied Mode


This rule identifies periods of time the AHU is in Unoccupied Mode, but the fan is operating.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Command (open/closed) DaFanCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Occupied Mode Occ This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.

Rule - Zone Temperature Setpoint Dead Band is Too Low


The zone temperature setpoint dead band is too low. A minimum difference of 5°F between cooling and heating setpoints is required by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2016 - Section Dead Band.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Occupied Heating Setpoint OccHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Minimum Temperature Dead Band Allowed Numeric 5 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum difference between cooling and heating setpoints.  The difference between cooling and heating setpoints must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - AHU Outside Air Temperature Sensor Differs From the Building Outside Air Temperature Sensor


The air handling unit outside air temperature sensor differs from the building outside air temperature sensor. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOnPremWS This point must be a direct child of this rules ancestor building's weather station Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Minimum Teamperature Dead Band Allowed Numeric 5 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum difference between cooling and heating setpoints. The difference between cooling and heating setpoints must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - AHU Outside Air Humidity Sensor Differs From the Building Outside Air Humidity Sensor


The air handing unit outside air humidity sensor differs from the building outside air humidity sensor. 

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Humidity OaHumidityOnPremWS This point must be a direct child of this rules ancestor building's weather station Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Threshold Numeric 5 The humidity sensor threshold. - Majority of VAV's in Heating Mode


The majority of the VAV's served by this air handling unit are in heating mode, indicating the discharge air temperature should be increased.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
VAV Reheating Command RhtCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
VAV Heating Command Threshold Numeric 10 This number (as a percentage) is the maximum allowed value of VAV’s that are reheating. The VAV heating command must exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Percent of VAV’s In Heating Mode Numeric 70 This number is the percentage of VAV’s served by the AHU that are reheating.  If this percentage is greater than the VAV heating command threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint is Less Than Low Limit


The discharge air temperature setpoint is less than the low limit and may be overridden. Excessively low discharge air temperatures can increase reheat and operating costs.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint Low Limit Numeric 55 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum allowed value of the discharge air temperature. The discharge air temperature setpoint must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Discharge Air Temperature is Greater Than Setpoint


The discharge air temperature is greater than the discharge air temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control or mechanical issues. This can lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Temperature Threshold Numeric 2.0 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the threshold value of the discharge fan pressure. The discharge air temperature must exceed this threshold added to the discharge air temperature setpoint or the discharge air temperature must exceed this threshold added to the default discharge temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Default Discharge Temperature Setpoint Numeric 65 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the default value of the discharge temperature. The discharge air temperature must exceed this threshold added to the default discharge temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Hot Deck Air Temperature is Greater Than Setpoint

The hot deck air temperature is greater than the hot deck air temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control or mechanical issues. This can lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints. Corresponds to FC#13 is ASHRAE Guideline 36-2018 High Performance Sequences 5.16.14.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Hot Deck Temperature HotDeckTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory  Scalar
Hot Deck Temperature Setpoint HotDeckTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Hot Deck Temperature Threshold Numeric 2.0 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the threshold value of the hot deck temperature. The hot deck temperature must exceed this threshold added to the hot deck temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. 

Rule - Cold Deck Air Temperature is Greater Than Setpoint


The cold deck air temperature is grater than the cold deck air temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control or mechanical issues. This can lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints. Corresponds to FC#13 in ASHRAE Guideline 36-2018 High Performance Sequences 5.16.14.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cold Deck Temperature ColdDeckTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory  Scalar
Cold Deck Temperature Setpoint ColdDeckTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cold Deck Temperature Threshold Numeric 2.0 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the threshold value of the cold deck temperature. The cold deck temperature must exceed this threshold added to the hot deck temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Discharge Air Temperature is Less Than Setpoint


The discharge air temperature is less than the discharge air temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control or mechanical issues. This will lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Discharge Temperature Threshold Numeric 2.0 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the threshold value of the discharge fan pressure. The discharge air temperature must not exceed this threshold subtracted from the discharge air temperature setpoint or the discharge air temperature must not exceed this threshold subtracted from the default discharge temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Default Discharge Temperature Setpoint Numeric 55 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the default value of the discharge temperature. The discharge air temperature must not exceed this threshold subtracted from the default discharge temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Hot Deck Air Temperature is Less Than Setpoint


The hot deck air temperature is less than the hot deck air temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control or mechanical issues. This will lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints. Corresponds to FC#7 in ASHRAE Guideline 36-2018 High Performance Sequences 5.16.14.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Hot Deck Temperature HotDeckTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Hot Deck Temperature Setpoint HotDeckTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Hot Deck Temperature Threshold Numeric 2.0 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the threshold value of the hot deck temperature. The hot deck temperature must not exceed this threshold subtracted from the hot deck temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Cold Deck Air Temperature is Less Than Setpoint


The cold deck air temperature is less than the cold deck air temperature setpoint and may be experiencing inefficient control or mechanical issues. This will lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints. Corresponds to FC#7 in ASHRAE Guideline 36-2018 High Performance Sequences 5.16.14.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cold Deck Temperature ColdDeckTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar
Cold Deck Temperature Setpoint ColdDeckTempSp  This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cold Deck Temperature Threshold Numeric 2.0 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the threshold value of the cold deck temperature setpoint. The cold deck temperature must not exceed this threshold subtracted from the cold deck temperature setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Unexpected Temperature Decrease Across Cooling Coil


There is a decrease in temperature across the cooling coil with the valve closed, indicating the cooling valve may be leaking. This will lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temperature MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Closed Valve Threshold Numeric 1 This number is the threshold value of the closed valve. The cooling command must not exceed the closed valve threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Maximum Temperature Decrease Allowed Across Coil Numeric 3 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the maximum value of the temperature decrease allowed across the cooling coil. The discharge air temperature subtracted from the mixed air temperature must exceed the maximum temperature decrease allowed across coil for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Unexpected Temperature Increase Across Heating Coil


There is an increase in temperature across the heating coil with the valve closed, indicating the heating valve may be leaking. This will lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temperature MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Closed Valve Threshold Numeric 1 This number is the threshold value of the closed valve. The heating command must not exceed the closed valve threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Maximum Temperature Increase Allowed Across Coil Numeric 6 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the maximum value of the temperature increase allowed across the heating coil. The mixed air temperature subtracted from the discharge air temperature must exceed the maximum temperature increase allowed across coil for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Low Temperature Differential Across Cooling Coil


This unit is in cooling mode and has a low-temperature decrease across the cooling coil with the valve open, indicating a failed cooling valve, actuator, or coil. This may lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temperature MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Cooling Command ClgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Open Valve Threshold Numeric 20 This number is the threshold value of the open valve. The cooling command must exceed the open valve threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Minimum Temperature Decrease Allowed Across Coil Numeric 2 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum value of the temperature decrease allowed across the cooling coil. The discharge air temperature subtracted from the mixed air temperature must not exceed the minimum temperature decrease allowed across coil for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Low Temperature Differential Across Heating Coil


This unit is in heating mode and has a low temperature increase across the heating coil with the valve open, indicating a failed heating valve, actuator, or coil. This may lead to increased operating costs and comfort complaints.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Mixed Air Temperature MaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Open Valve Threshold Numeric 20 This number is the threshold value of the open valve. The heating command must exceed the open valve threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Minimum Coil Temperature Differential Threshold Numeric 3 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum value of the temperature increase allowed across the heating coil. The mixed air temperature subtracted from the discharge air temperature must not exceed the minimum coil temperature differential threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Optimum Start Control Sequencing Can Be Improved or Implemented


This air handling unit is operating before the building is scheduled to be occupied and all zones served by this air handling unit are meeting the space temperature setpoints. This indicates there is an opportunity to start this unit later, reducing operation times and saving energy. Optimum Start Controls is required by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - 2016 Section

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Discharge Air Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Occupied Cooling Setpoint OccCoolSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Occupied Heating Setpoint OccHeatSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Scheduled Occupancy Status ScheduledOccSt This point must be a direct child of the building that the AHU resides in.   Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Temperature Threshold Numeric 2 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the temperature threshold value.  The zone temperature must exceed the threshold temperature added to the cooling setpoint or heating setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Cooling Setpoint Numeric 72 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the cooling setpoint value.  The cooling setpoint plus the temperature threshold must exceed the zone temperature for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Heating Setpoint Numeric 68 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the heating setpoint value.  The zone temperature must exceed the temperature threshold subtracted from the heating setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Freezestat Has Tripped


The freezestat has sensed a potential freezing condition and has shut down the unit to prevent any damage to the unit.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
 Freeze Status FreezeStat This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Filter Differential Pressure Above Setpoint or Switch Has Been Activated


Differential pressure across the bank of filters exceeds differential pressure setpoint.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- FilterSts or (FilterPressDelta and FilterPressDeltaSp)

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Filter Pressure Delta FilterPressDelta This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Filter Status FilterSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Filter Pressure Delta Setpoint FilterPressDeltaSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Filter Differential Pressure At Zero


Differential pressure across the bank of filters exceeds differential pressure setpoint.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Filter Pressure Delta FilterPressDelta This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Threshold Numeric 0 This number is the filter pressure threshold. The filter pressure delta must be equal to or less than this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Outside Air Damper Position is Less Than The Minimum Damper Position Setpoint


A less amount of outside air is being brought into the building with the outdoor air damper position setpoint.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Position OaDmprPos This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Damper Minimum Position Setpoint OaDmprMinPosSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory  Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Leaving Preheat Coil Temperature is Falling Below Low Limit Temperature Sensor


The temperature leaving the preheat coil is dropping below the low limit temperature setpoint, which could lead to freezestat trips or freezing coils. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Mixed Air Temperature Low Limit Setpoint MaTempLoLmtSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
PreHeat Coil Air Leaving Temp PreHCALTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay  Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
THRESHOLD Numeric 0.5 The preheat coil leaving air temperature threshold. The preheat coil air leaving temp must be less than the mixed air temperature low limit setpoint minus this constant for a period longer than delay for a fault to exist. - Mixed Air Dampers Unable to Meet Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint When Outside Air Temperature is Low Enough


When mixed air dampers are 100% and outside air temperature is low enough to meet discharge air temperature setpoint, but cannot meet setpoint. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Temp Setpoint DaTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Discharge Air Temperature DaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is  attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp The point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOnPremWS This point has an ancestor of building and is off prem child of weather station. Optional Scalar
Outside Air Temperature OaTempOffPremWS This point has an ancestor of building and is on prem descendant of weather station. Optional Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Threshold Numeric 10 The temperature threshold - Cold Deck Temperature Setpoint Could Be Raised


No zones served by this air handling unit are at a 100% cooling mode, zone temperature is being met, and return air humidity (if available) is at or below return air relative humidity setpoint, indicating the cold deck temperature setpoint could be raised. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
RA Humidity RaHumidity This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFansSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional  Scalar
Return Air Humidify Setpoint RaLowHumiditySp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to.  Optional Scalar
Damper Command DmprCmd This point must be a direct child of a vav Mandatory Vector
Zone Temp ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of a vav Mandatory Scalar
Eff Cool Setpoint EffCoolSp This point must be a direct child of a vav Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cooling Threshold Numeric 100 The damper command threshold.
Temperature Threshold Numeric 0.5 The zone temperature threshold. - Cold Deck Temperature Setpoint Could Be Lowered


One or more zones served by this air handling unit are at a 100% cooling mode and zone temperature is not being met, indication the cold deck temperature setpoint could be lowered.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Damper Command DmprCmd This point must be a direct child of a vav. Mandatory Vector
Zone Temp ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of a vav. Mandatory Scalar
Eff Cool Setpoint EffCoolSp This point must be a direct child of a vav Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Cooling Threshold Numeric 100 This number is the filter pressure threshold. The filter pressure delta must be equal to or less than this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. 
Temperature Threshold Numeric 0.5 The zone temperature threshold. - Hot Deck Temperature Setpoint Could Be Raised


One or more zones by this air handling unit are at a 100% heating mode and zone temperature setpoint is not being met, indicating the hot deck temperature setpoint could be raised. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
DA Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Damper Command DmprCmd This point must be a direct child of a vav. Mandatory Vector
Zone Temp ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of a vav. Mandatory  Scalar
Eff Heat Setpoint EffHeatSp This point must be a direct child of a vav. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Heating Threshold Numeric 10 The damper command threshold.
Temperature Threshold Numeric 0.5 The zone temperature threshold. - Hot Deck Temperature Setpoint Could be Lowered


None of the zones served by this air handling unit are at a 100% heating mode and zone temperature setpoint is being met, indicating the hot deck temperature setpoint could be lowered. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
ahu -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Da Fan Status (single or common) DaFanSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Damper Command DmprCmd This point must be a direct child of a vav Mandatory Vector
Zone Temperature ZoneTemp This point must be a direct child of a vav. Mandatory Scalar
Effective Heating Setpoint EffHeatSp This point must be a direct child of a vav. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the ahu must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Heating Threshold Numeric 0 The damper command threshold.
Temperature Threshold Numeric 0.5 The zone temperature threshold.
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