1.1 Boiler Rules - Boiler Efficiency is Outside Normal Range


The hot water boiler efficiency is outside its normal range.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Leaving Water Temperature BlrLTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Leaving Setpoint BlrLTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar - Boiler Leaving Water Temperature Greater Than Setpoint


The boiler leaving water temperature is greater than the leaving water temperature setpoint, indicating bad control and energy waste.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Gas Flow BlrGasFlow This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Optional Scalar
Boiler Water Power BlrWPower This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Command BlrCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Water Temperature Entering BlrWEtemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Water Flow BlrWFlow This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Minimum Boiler Efficiency Threshold Numeric 78
Maximum Boiler Efficiency Threshold Numeric 83
Maximum Boiler Capacity Threshold Numeric 1,000,000 - Boiler Leaving Water Temperature Less Than Setpoint


The boiler leaving water temperature is less than the leaving water temperature setpoint, indicating bad control and energy waste.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Leaving Water Temperature BlrLTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Leaving Setpoint BlrLTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Temperature Threshold Numeric 5 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the temperature threshold.  The boiler leaving water temperature must not exceed this threshold added to the boiler leaving setpoint for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.

Rule - Boiler Low Temperature Differential(Low Delta T)


The boiler temperature differential (Delta T) is much lower than design.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Entering Water Temperature BlrETemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Leaving Water Temperature BlrLTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Minimum Temperature Differential Numeric 10 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum temperature differential.  The difference value of the entering and leaving water temperatures must not exceed this minimum temperature differential for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Boiler Leaving Water Temperature Sensor Failure


The boiler leaving water temperature sensor has failed. The temperature sensor point is invariant or is outside the expected range.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Leaving Water Temperature BlrLTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
High Threshold Numeric 220 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the maximum allowed value of the boiler leaving water temperature. The leaving water temperature must exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Low Threshold Numeric 40 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum allowed value of the boiler leaving water temperature. The leaving water temperature must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Variance Threshold Numeric 0.01 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the variance threshold.  The difference value of the high threshold and low threshold must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Boiler Entering Water Temperature Sensor Failure


The boiler entering water temperature sensor has failed. The temperature sensor point is invariant or is outside the expected range.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Entering Water Temperature BlrETemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 120 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
High Threshold Numeric 200 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the maximum allowed value of the boiler entering water temperature. The entering water temperature must exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Low Threshold Numeric 40 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum allowed value of the boiler entering water temperature. The entering water temperature must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Variance Threshold Numeric 0.01 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the variance threshold.  The difference value of the high threshold and low threshold must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Failure


The outside air temperature sensor has failed. The temperature sensor point is invariant or is outside the expected range.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Outside Air Temperature OaTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the sensor must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
High Threshold Numeric 130 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the maximum allowed value of the outside air temperature. The outside air temperature must exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Low Threshold Numeric -40 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the minimum allowed value of the outside air temperature. The outside air temperature must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
Variance Threshold Numeric 0.01 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the variance threshold.  The difference value of the high threshold and low threshold must not exceed this threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Boiler Status is Off When Commanded On


The boiler status indicates it is 'Off', but the boiler is being commanded 'On', indicating inefficient operation.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Command BlrCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Boiler Status is On When Commanded Off


The boiler status indicates it is 'On', but the boiler is being commanded 'Off', potentially wasting energy.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Command BlrCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Boiler Supply Water Temperature Setpoint is Greater Than High Limit


The boiler supply water temperature setpoint is greater than the high limit, wasting energy. The setpoint may be overridden or set higher than design.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Leaving Temperature Setpoint BlrLTempSp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
High Temperature Setpoint Limit Numeric 180 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the maximum allowed value of the supply water temperature.  The boiler leaving temperature setpoint must exceed this high temperature setpoint limit for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Boiler Supply Water Temperature is Greater Than High Limit


The boiler leaving water temperature is greater than the high limit, wasting energy. The setpoint may be overridden, or the boiler has inefficient temperature controls or malfunctioning valves and linkages.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Leaving Temperature BlrLTemp This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 30 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Supply Water Temperature High Limit Numeric 183 This number (in Fahrenheit) is the maximum allowed value of the supply water temperature. The boiler leaving temperature must exceed this supply water temperature high limit for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Isolation Valve Remains Open When Boiler is Commanded Off


When the boiler has been commanded off, after a specific period of time the boiler isolation valve shall close to prevent the system's hot water return from blending with the heated leaving boiler water. This will cause the active boiler to raise the leaving boiler water temperature higher and possibly reaching the boiler's temperature high limit and tripping the boiler off. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Isolation Valve BlrVlvCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Boiler Supply Water Temperature Setpoint Can Be Decreased (Reset)


Most of the hot water valve positions are less than a high damper limit, indicating an opportunity to decrease the hot water supply temperature setpoint. Boiler hot water supply temperature reset is required by ASHRAE Standard 90.1.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
VAV Heating Command HtgCmd This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 60 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Heating Value Threshold Numeric 90 This number (as a percentage) is the heating value threshold. If most of the hot water valve positions (HtgCmd's) of the VAV/AHU/HX/FCU served by the boiler are less than the heating valve threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist.
% of Heating Equipment Valves Below Threshold Numeric 90 This number is the % of heating equipment valves below threshold. If most of the hot water valve positions (HtgCmd's) of the VAV/AHU/HX/FCU served by the boiler are less than the heating valve threshold for a period longer than the delay in order for a fault condition to exist. - Hot Water Boiler Oxygen Levels Are Outside Normal Range


After the boiler's combustion process, the oxygen levels are outside the normal range. If too low, the boiler is running rich. If too high, the boiler is running lean.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Minimum Oxygen Percentage Threshold Numeric 3
Maximum Oxygen Percentage Threshold Numeric 5 - Hot Water Boiler Flue Temperature is Above Normal


After the boilers combustion process, the flue gas temperature is above normal. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 15 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Maximum Flue Temperature Threshold Numeric 350 - Low Gas Pressure to Hot Water Boiler


Boiler gas train has detected low inlet gas pressure.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - High Gas Pressure to Hot Water Boiler


Boiler gas train has detected a high inlet gas pressure.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Hot Water Boiler Water Flow Rate is Too Low


Manufacturers have minimum water flow rate through the boiler. It is determined the flow rate for this boiler is below manufacturer's recommendations. 

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Enable BlrEnab This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Hot Water Circulation Pump Status HWCPSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time. - Hot Water Boiler Continuous Operation at High Load


When the boiler is consistently operating at a load greater than its threshold.

Equipment Type Equipment Tag Constraints Tuple Constraints
boiler -- --

Input Points

Name Point Template Positional Requirements Optionality Multiplicity
Boiler Status BlrSts This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar
Burner Level BlrLevel This point must be a direct child of the equipment that the rule is attached to. Mandatory Scalar

Input Constants

Name Data Type Default Value Description
Delay Numeric 0 The delay represents a span of time in minutes during which the boiler must be in a fault state before the rule starts to actually report that it is in a fault state. The intent of the delay is to reduce the level of alert noise by ensuring that the system does not alert until the fault condition has been in effect for some minimal interval of time.
Boiler Maximum Load Threshold Numeric 95
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