Analytics Interaction

The following information defines how to interact with the Analytics screen to get an overview of day-to-day operations or any equipment malfunctions. You should already be on the Analytics screen in Fusion for these directions.

Viewing Fault Count Analytics

The "Max Fault Duration" gives an at-a-glance of the fault percentages for the time frame selected. Each piece of equipment within the selected building can be broken down to view faults for specific Rules.

Viewing Rule Faults

1. To view Rules within the equipment, find the equipment from the Analytics Overview screen and click the arrow at the beginning of the associated row.

Note: Use the filter bars at the top of the window to narrow results.

2. A dropdown pane for the Equipment Rules will open. The Rules with the highest percentage of faults will appear at the top of the list.

3. The "Fault Duration" percentage shows the percentage of time that the Rule was in fault within the time frame.

4. The "Timeline" bar displays when the Rules were faulted during the time frame.

Note: White space on the timeline bar indicates when the Rule was not faulted.

5. To return to the Analytics Overview screen, click the down arrow.

Note: The "Rule Details" button will open a pop-up displaying the information for the rule.

Viewing Equipment Data in Explorer

To view selected equipment data in charts, click the Point Selector icon at the end of the row. A new window will open with the data charted for the time frame specified on the Analytics Overview screen. To change the time frame for the data, use the calendar widget in the top left corner of the new Explorer screen for that data.

Note: If the fault is "In Progress" the point selector icon will not be active, blocking you from viewing the Explorer screen for that data.

Viewing Individual Rule Data in Explorer

To view selected Rule data in charts, click the "Point Selector" icon at the end of the row. A new window will open with the data charted for the time frame specified on the Analytics Overview screen. To change the time frame for the data, use the calendar widget in the top left corner of the new Explorer screen.

Note: If the fault is "In Progress" the point selector icon will not be active, blocking you from viewing the Explorer screen for that data.

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